When I'm with You - Harper Sloan Page 0,13

back down on the wood.

She stands there as I lean down and take the stick from her red lips. Holding the stem to my crotch, I pull her from behind the neck until her lips are touching the wet candy. She gasps when I run the wet candy over her open mouth by thrusting and rolling my hips before I release her head and stick the lollipop back in her mouth. I give her a wink before I finish moving on top of the bar. Continuing to move my body with the heavy thumps of the music, I run my hands up my tee shirt, starting at the hem, and pull the fabric up until it’s over my head and tossed to the floor at her feet.

I don’t put my all into the dance, but regardless, before the song is over, there’s no question in anyone’s mind that had there been a woman up there with me, I would have been fucking her right there on the bar.

“Wow,” she pants when the song ends and silence once again fills the room around our group.

“Thanks, ladies. What do you think of our spotlight dance and the new signature drink here at Dirty Dog?” I ask the room before jumping off the bar and letting my heart rate settle back to normal. They all give different variations of the same nod and breathy praise.

Just what I was hoping for.

“Well, I guess that’s one way of doing it.” Denton laughs.

“Someone’s been practicing,” Shane grunts, slapping me on my sweaty shoulder. “And here I thought you would have lost some of those moves over the years.”

“Do you see this,” I ask him while gesturing down my body. “No need to practice when you’re working with perfection.”

He rolls his eyes. I open my mouth to say something to the guys but stop when Julie walks into my space.

Rolling onto her toes so that she can get closer to my ear, she says, “Call me later?” She drops back down so that her heels are back against the concrete floor before giving me a devious smile. I should have known it was a mistake to bring her on; we hooked up once, a long fucking time ago, but now that she’s working for me, it won’t happen again.

I don’t respond. Instead, I pick up my shirt and pull it back over my head.

“Opening night is Friday,” I tell the room, instantly feeling the energy go from aroused to electric with excitement. “Has everyone got their schedules for the next month?”

“Went over those before they had their fitting with Hilary. We’re set, no issues, and we’ve already gone over the girls’ responsibilities for working the floor.” Shane grabs a clipboard from behind the bar. “We’ve got these three ugly bastards working opening night and the next three nights after.” He points at Travis, Garrett, and Denton before looking back at his paperwork. “After that, it’s a rotation between them. Some nights all six, though, especially weekends, working the main bar. Then we have the other guys working the three other bars, but they won’t be in until tomorrow.”

I nod. I know without adding that he’s made a note to have Denton fill them in on “Lollipop” before looking over to where the girls are standing. “You ladies ready for opening night?” They all smile and nod. “Things might be a little intense, but you’re all aware of where the bouncers are stationed and there won’t be a second when you girls aren’t covered. But if you don’t feel safe, find one of them or us and let it be known.”

“And let’s not forget that we’re expecting close to five hundred bodies opening night. That’s just ticket holders, so I’m sure we’re going to have our share in the holding room. For those who aren’t assigned the VIP area, don’t forget to make the rounds out there, too. None of the VIP assigned girls should be handling anything but the people in your area up there. Everyone else remember—just because they’re not in the hot zone and stuck out in the holding room doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have fun. Plus, allowing them to drink in there means they’re going to be ready to party once they get in the door. They’re carded before they even get that far, so no worries there.” Shane looks over at me when he’s done talking and we both get the same giddy-as-fuck smile on our faces.

“Most importantly, have fucking fun and remember

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