When Hearts Collide - By James, Kendra Page 0,68

head. He tipped her chin until she raised her eyes to him. “Molly, my sweet angel, will you marry me?”

“Are you sure?”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. After you left, it was torture. It took going through hell to make me realize how much I love you.” His eyes softened. “I couldn’t go through another day without you by my side. Please, Molly, will you say yes?”

Molly nodded her answer. She leaned against him, knowing with every cell in her body, that she belonged right here in his arms. This was what she’d been looking for her entire life. She was finally home.

“When do you want to get married?”

“Would right now be too soon?”

Molly gazed into Pearce’s eyes and studied his emotions. She’d seen the hot, searing lust there before, but now the passion was tempered with the softness of a deeper love, adoration, compassion, and her heart swelled, filling her chest until she thought she might burst. It was hard to breathe, even more difficult to talk.

Several seconds passed before she beamed up at him and whispered, “Right now would be perfect.”

His lips were hot against hers. The kiss was deep, sweet, hungry, taking possession of her.

Finally, their lips parted, and they surfaced for air. But not for long. Pearce started kissing her face, her hair, her neck. Every fiber in her being was aroused and begging for release. She had to know that this was really what he wanted, and that he was ready to let go of the past. Her body protested leaving the security of his arms as she pulled away. She closed her eyes for a brief second, took a quick breath and asked, “Are you sure this is what you want, Pearce?”

“With all my heart.”

“What about not wanting to ever commit to someone again?”

He sighed deeply, then grinned wryly. “That was before I fell in love with you.”

His grin widened and a twinkle gleamed in his eyes; a twinkle that sent her heart on a series of flip-flops. “My beautiful red-haired angel, you’ve made me dare to love again.”

Molly flung her arms around his neck again and kissed him soundly on the lips. She nuzzled into his neck, then became serious. “What about Gracie?”

“Gracie wanted to come with me to bring her Molly Mommy home.”

“Do you think Grace would like a brother or sister?”

Pearce chuckled. “She would like ten of them.”

“Ten?” Molly’s jaw dropped open, and heat prickled every red root on her head. The thought of making one baby with Pearce quickened her pulse and stirred sparks of arousal, but ten babies? The heat spread like wildfire until it reached her toes. A lump had formed in her chest and it took several seconds before she could breath, and a few more before words crossed her lips.

“What about you?” Breath hitched up her throat. Molly watched Pearce carefully for any sign he wouldn’t want a larger family. Yes, she loved him, but she wanted the whole package.

He crushed her lips to his. “I’d love to have children with you.” He laughed lightly against her mouth. “Though, maybe not ten.”

Relief swept through her, bringing a wide smile to her face. “Let’s start with one.” Molly suggested with a wink. “Shall we start now?” She tightened her hands around his neck and pulled his face close to hers. Her lips met his, and they sealed their pledge with a kiss that Molly wanted to go on forever.


It was a beautiful July day. The afternoon sun beat down on the cedar slats of the back garden’s pergola and filtered through the luxurious foliage of silver lace and clematis. Molly relaxed back into the chaise lounge and basked in the heat.

She couldn’t believe how perfect life was now. It had been over a year since she’d first come to this house, a house she now called home. The year had seen so many wonderful changes.

She’d become a wife, a mother, and an aunt, all within a few months. Sometimes, she had to shake her head to realize it wasn’t a fantasy. Never would she have believed life could be this good and that she could love someone as much as she loved Pearce, or that he could return that love. Molly gazed across the lawn to where the loves of her life cavorted.

Pearce had totally recovered. He’d worked hard at his physiotherapy and regained his strength and mobility. His only reminder of the accident was slight pain in his left leg before a rain. Watching his sun-kissed physique as he raced across the grass with such grace and virility sent her pulse spiraling. And Gracie, growing like the proverbial bad weed, had come out of her shell, and chattered non-stop. Even her nightmares were a thing of the past.

The wedding had been small. Her choice. Lani, her sister, and Dave had stood up for them. Molly had worn a mid-calf antique lace creation she’d designed herself. She carried a dozen long stemmed red roses. Gracie’s princess-style dress was trimmed with matching lace. Mrs. Nesbitt had even smiled in the wedding photos.

That had been another surprise—the change in Mrs. Nesbitt. She’d lost her austere demeanor and had taken to visiting often. She’d even been found giggling with Gracie over some shared secret.

Molly remembered finding Katherine sitting in the garden watching Gracie, a discrete Kleenex dabbing her eyes. She’d turned to Molly. “Oh, Molly, I’ve wasted so much time hating Pearce, and missing out on knowing my granddaughter.”

But the biggest shock had come when Mrs. Nesbitt, or Grandma Kate, as she now asked to be called, offered to mind Gracie while she and Pearce went on their honeymoon. And it was just as big a shock that Gracie was delighted to spend time with her new best friend. When Pearce and Molly returned, she talked non-stop for a week about their adventures.

Molly had never been happier. Their love had grown and expanded to heights of contentment and passion she’d never thought possible. As proof, she patted her protruding abdomen. Soon, the baby would make an appearance. Molly refused to be told the sex. It didn’t matter. Gracie had names for either sex.

“Mommy, look at me.”

Gracie perched on Pearce’s shoulders, her plump arms spread wide, waving wildly as he swung her in a wide arc.

“I’m an airplane!”

Molly’s heart swelled to bursting as she watched father and daughter. She didn’t know which one of them had the bigger grin. Tears of happiness threatened at the corners of her eyes.

The new life growing inside her was evidence of their love. Her pregnancy had been a surprise, and her initial concerns about Pearce’s reaction were quickly quashed. He was ecstatic, as was Gracie. Both excitedly awaited the event.

Molly massaged her swollen belly. She loved Gracie with all her heart, but she could never have imagined how this seed of hers and Pearce’s love could change her life. Nor could she have imagined the maternal feelings that had escalated as the fetus developed inside her.

Gracie climbed onto the lawn chair and cuddled against her. Her eyes were luminous with childhood glee and the contentment of being well-loved and secure. Molly thought of her own unsettled childhood, and it filled her heart to know that she could be a part of giving this child the safe haven that all children deserved.

Gracie stroked Molly’s abdomen. “Baby coming soon, Mommy?”

“Yes, love, the baby will be here soon.”

Pearce pulled his recliner next to hers and kissed her gently. His eyes softened, pride glowing in their depths as he laid a hand on her abdomen. “How is junior?”

“Doing belly-flops.” Molly laid her hand over his and guided it along her belly. Within seconds, he felt the baby kick and his mouth burst into a boyish grin. Molly gazed tenderly at him. He was such a good father to Gracie and now they would have another child to share their love with. A tear slid down her cheek. She reached up to brush it away, but Pearce’s fingertips were there first, caressing the moisture away.

“Are you happy, Molly?”

Her smile and the contentment in her eyes said more than words could. His lips met hers with a tender possession.

Yes, life was good.

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