When Hearts Collide - By James, Kendra Page 0,60

barely visible. The child’s breathing was finally getting easier. They were both damp from the humidity, but still Molly kept the shower blasting hot water.

Finally Gracie fell asleep in her arms, the cough an occasional short bark, the chest retractions barely visible. Molly turned off the water and carried the sleeping child downstairs. Should she wake Pearce first, or call Doctor Graham?

She decided on the later. Dr. Graham answered the phone on the third ring, and Molly gave him a quick report. He would be there in a few minutes. She crossed the hall and knocked softly on Pearce’s door. Ever since he’d been off the intravenous medications, Molly hadn’t been in his room at night.

Pearce dressed swiftly, not taking time to brush his rumpled hair. He waited with Molly in the kitchen until the doorbell rang. Gracie remained asleep, her arms wrapped around Molly’s neck. Her breathing was easier. Pearce left her in Molly’s arms, but rhythmically stroked the child’s back, his eyes cloudy with concern.

Doctor Graham’s exam was quick. He listened to her lungs, heard her cough, and took her temperature. “She seems to be okay. Quick thinking on your part again. I’m reminding you, Molly, if you ever want a job at the hospital here, I’ll give you a reference.” He removed medication from his leather satchel and handed it to her. “Give her a tablespoon of this now and one in twelve hours.”

Taking the medication, she grinned at him. “I appreciate the reference. Who knows, someday I might take you up on that.”

What would it be like working and living in the same area as Pearce? Once she left here, how hard would it be to forget them? The best thing might be to get as far away as possible, yet the opportunity to stay close might be too much of a temptation.

Gracie had roused when Doctor Graham examined her and wanted her father. She now lay snuggled against his chest. Her blond head bobbing, she drifted into the sleep her body craved.

With a pat on the child’s head and a nod to Pearce, Doctor Graham closed his medical bag. Molly accompanied him to the door. When she returned, she was surprised to see the intentness in Pearce’s eyes.

“He’s a nice man. I think he likes you.”

Molly shrugged. “Yes, he is nice.” But he doesn’t affect me the way you do. He doesn’t make my heart or my stomach do somersaults. No, he doesn’t make me take leave of my senses and forget all my resolutions.

“Shall I take Gracie up to bed?”

He sighed deeply before releasing his hold and transferring the child to Molly’s waiting arms. “I’m going to follow you and sleep upstairs tonight.”

“But the stairs, can you manage them?”

He grinned at her. “I managed them the other night.”

Molly laughed. “Yes, and scared the life out of me when you fell.”

“I’ll be careful.” He winked at her. “I wouldn’t want to scare you again.”

Molly laid Gracie on the bed, covered her with the cotton sheet, and stroked the damp blond curls. “Sleep well, my little princess.” As she bent to place a kiss on the girl’s cheek, she was startled by a sound at the door.

Pearce leaned against the doorframe. Molly jerked upright. Would he be upset by her endearment for the child, or giving her a kiss? She was relieved to see the tender smile on his lips. After a final glance to ensure Gracie’s breathing was peaceful, Molly rose and crossed to the door.

“Will she be okay now?” Pearce asked.

“I think so. I’m going to bring a pillow and sleep in the room just to be on the safe side.”

As she went to pass him, he caught her shoulder, turned her to toward him, and pulled her into his arms. Her softness molded into him and she laid her head against him. His voice was like plush velvet. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Oh, Pearce,” she sobbed. “I was so worried.”

“She’s breathing fine now.”

She tipped her head up to look at him, ignoring the tears flowing down her cheeks. “It’s different looking after someone in the hospital, when it’s not someone you care so much about. I can’t make myself feel detached from her. I care too much.”

“And that’s a bad thing?” He was teasing her, but his voice sounded like a soothing balm when it murmured against her earlobe.

Molly sniffed. “It will be when I leave.”

“But you’re not leaving now, are you?”

Her body flashed hot, and her pulse roared in her ears.

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