When Hearts Collide - By James, Kendra Page 0,58

it, how could she walk away? She had to stay until Pearce was back on his feet. Then she would be out of here.

What was wrong with her? She rarely let her emotions get the best of her, and that included self-pity. Molly tried to shed off her forlorn thoughts. So what if she wasn’t living in the lap of luxury, didn’t have a caring, considerate husband, didn’t have a lovable child. There were other things in life, and she was determined to enjoy them. And she was going to start right now.

It was late, but she needed fresh air. Dragging herself out of bed, she went to check on Gracie. The child slept peacefully. Her fever had not returned. Molly let out a sigh of relief, grabbed her clothes, and headed for the bathroom.

The house was quiet and she slipped down the stairs and out the front door. Molly didn’t walk far, but it was enough to make her feel better. Reluctant to go back to her lonely room, Molly sat on the patio. She was so absorbed in enjoying the beauty of the evening that she didn’t hear Pearce until he stood beside her.

“Do you mind if I share the view with you?” Pearce asked.

Molly shrugged. “How can I object, it’s your house.”

“I wasn’t sure if you wanted time to yourself.”

The wry grin he gave her made her heart skip a beat. His closeness set her heart racing. It pounded so hard she felt each beat as it rushed blood to her brain.

Her breathing stopped as his fingertips traced the vein in her neck. His hand moved up to cup her chin, all the while his baby finger gently massaged the tender skin at the base of her throat.

A current sparked between them, and Molly suddenly felt so dizzy she thought she might pass out. She couldn’t believe his effect on her. Just touching her neck aroused her. She tried to turn away, but his hand remained firm on her chin. Merely a game for him, he only wanted the here and now. She wanted forever.

“I’m sorry about yesterday.” Pearce tilted her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. His eyes smoldered with the hazy darkness of an impending tornado. She felt as if she was being swept into a maelstrom with no idea where it would take her.

He scanned her face, as if trying to memorize every detail. His eyes locked with hers, then his face tipped and his mouth claimed hers. Molly felt the pent up yearning explode with his kiss. She melted into him, yielding to the pressure of his tongue.

A battle waged in Molly’s head. She knew she should pull away, yet the urge to flee was defeated by a baser one–she needed to feel his body against hers, an anchor against all the pain and hurt she’d ever experienced, a buoy to keep her afloat, a beacon to guide her home. Subconsciously, she felt her body leaning toward him, molding into the expanse of his muscular chest.

Then he was pulling away. “I don’t want you getting the wrong idea. I can’t get involved. I loved my wife, I gave her everything, and then she left. Can you handle that?”

Molly’s back stiffened. He wanted her in his bed, but not in his life, and not in Gracie’s life. Could she handle it? Could she have a quick fling and not reveal how much she already loved him, loved Gracie? How could she do it?

Tears sprang to her eyes, and she raced into the house.

Molly hadn’t realized he’d followed her until he reached around and pulled her against him. She felt the strength of his arms, the expanse of his chest, and in that moment, wrapped in the security of his embrace, Molly realized how much she wanted, and needed, to be part of his life.

Leaning against him, she rested her head on his shoulder. Her heart was drumming a wild tune in her head. When Pearce lowered his head and brushed his lips against her neck, the drumming grew louder. He kissed the tender spot behind her ear, then trailed his lips to the jumping pulse in her neck, the slope of her jaw. Her hormones raced, and a soft moan escaped her lips.

As if he’d been waiting for a sign from her, his hands slid down, softly massaging her belly, her thighs, then up to cup her breast. She moaned again when his fingers flicked her erect nipples.

“Molly.” His voice was husky,

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