When Hearts Collide - By James, Kendra Page 0,45

Wednesday? I’ll show you some of the highlights of the area, and then take you to my favorite restaurant.”

“But Gracie and Pearce?”

“What time does Gracie settle for the night?”

“Usually at seven.”

“Then I’ll pick you up at seven-thirty.” He turned to Pearce. “You have no objection to me giving Molly a well-deserved break and showing her a bit of the area, do you?”

Doctor Graham tipped his head as if challenging Pearce to object. The smile faded from Pearce’s face and the muscles tightened over his high cheekbones, but he kept his voice controlled. “How can I object? You’re right, Molly hasn’t had a break.”

“Well?” Molly looked from one man to the other.

“Good then, I’ll see you Wednesday.”

Doctor Graham hurried to his car, not giving either Molly or Pearce a chance to object. Molly had to admit, she didn’t want to refuse the invitation. It would be exciting to get out of the house and see the area. Young, attractive, intelligent, Doctor Graham would be the ideal date, and would get her away from the man who’d started occupying every waking thought. She followed him to his car, in case he had further instructions for her.

“Keep up the good work.” He started the car and headed down the driveway with a wave and a shouted, “See you Wednesday.”

He left her with more things to think about. What if she decided to take a job at the local hospital? She didn’t relish the idea of going back to Saint Christopher’s and having Randy for a boss. She’d already met a few people at the local hospital, including Rita and now the good-looking doctor. Nervous and excited, Molly found herself looking forward to Wednesday. She hadn’t been on a date since she’d broken up with Randy. What would she wear? She ran through the contents of her suitcase. She did have that red silky thing she’d bought on an impulse and had yet to find an occasion to wear. Well, this would be it. Molly hummed the chords of “Lady in Red” on her way back to join Pearce and Gracie.

He sat staring at the lawn, his face a marble mask. He didn’t turn at her approach. Molly couldn’t tell if he was angry, or indifferent. As his employee, she deserved time off. Was he angry with her for wanting it, or at her choice of companion? She felt her jaw tighten. What she did with her time off was her own business.

“I’m going to play with Gracie.”

She shook her head at his grunt. Surely he wasn’t angry with Dr Graham’s offer to show her the area. He’s the one who’d been grumpy with her ever since their confrontation.

Pearce kept his hand busy twirling a pencil while he watched Gracie playing with Molly. He felt a pang of guilt. Of course Molly deserved time off, so why did it bother him so much? He had no hold on her. She had every right to go out with whomever she wanted. Besides, he didn’t want, or need, anyone in his life again—not for him, nor for his child. He couldn’t put her through a mother figure walking out on her again. He just prayed Gracie didn’t get too attached to Molly before he was well enough to take care of her himself.

Molly was walking toward the house. The weather had turned hot, and she’d worn shorts to take Gracie to the park. Her legs were long, tanned, sleek, and he had trouble taking his eyes off them. Did Doctor Graham find her legs as appealing? He thought of Molly and Doctor Graham together and snapped the pencil in two.

Molly hadn’t been out on a date in ages and took longer than usual to get ready. Not that this was a date, she told herself. Doctor Graham was just being courteous to a colleague, showing her the area, getting her out of the house. Still, she couldn’t prevent her heart rate increasing, or her palms sweating in anticipation of the outing. How could the idea of going out to a fancy restaurant with a gorgeous young doctor not be appealing? She glanced at the clock—almost seven-thirty.

After a nervous once-over in the mirror, Molly headed downstairs. With Gracie asleep, Molly wanted to make sure Pearce had everything he might need in her absence. She slid the hospital table beside the bed, placed a jug of ice water and a box of tissue on top, then she put his evening antibiotic bedside them. Just in case he

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