When Hearts Collide - By James, Kendra Page 0,34

regain mobility in no time.”

“Yes, he is doing well.” Molly grimaced. “But he’s not the easiest patient I’ve looked after.”

“No?” Doctor Graham raised one eyebrow and his blue eyes twinkled. “Pearce has a mind of his own. This immobility must be driving him crazy.”

“He resists taking anything for pain, says it makes his thinking fuzzy. Then when he can’t take it anymore, it takes longer for the medication to work. Can you talk to him about not waiting so long?”

Doctor Graham chuckled. “I don’t think he’ll listen to me any more than he will you. And he’ll be less polite to me.”

Molly shrugged one tanned shoulder. “Well, if you could try.”

“Will do, though I don’t know how much good it will do.”

“I’m glad you’re coming to check on him. It saves me bundling him and Gracie into the car and going to the hospital.”

“Gets me out of the office. Can’t stand being trapped there all day. Let’s go see our patient, shall we?”

Pearce, still in bed for Doctor Graham’s visit, looked up when they walked in.

“Can we get this exam over with so I can get up?” Pearce barked.

“Let’s get on with it then,” Doctor Graham said after directing a raised eyebrow at Molly.

Molly turned away so Pearce wouldn’t see her responding grin.

After his abdominal incision had been examined and declared to be healing well, Doctor Graham checked his vital signs and added more exercises to his physiotherapy regime. Together, he and Molly assisted Pearce into the wheelchair.

“You’re doing well, Pearce. You’re lucky your wife’s such an excellent nurse. You’ll be back to your old self in no time.”

“Not soon enough,” Pearce muttered.


“Patience was never one of my strong suits.”

“Right now you don’t have much choice.” Doctor Graham laughed and glanced at his watch. “I have more calls to make, but I’ll be back in a couple of days to check on you. We should be able to switch from the intravenous to an oral antibiotic. You’ll be able to start walking on crutches soon.”

“Finally. When can get out of this wheelchair?” Pearce asked.

“Give it a few days. You’ll have to be careful, no weight bearing,” Doctor Graham warned. “I’ll be on my way now.”

“I’ll show you out.” Molly accompanied him to the front door.

“You’re doing an excellent job of looking after him. Your husband is progressing well.”

Molly couldn’t keep up the lie any longer. Pearce was home and Gracie was safe. “Doctor Graham.” Molly hesitated. “I have to tell you something.”

He tipped his head, concern in his eyes. “Is something wrong?”

“Not really wrong.” Molly shrugged. “Pearce and I aren’t married.”

Doctor Graham grinned and his eyes cleared. “Molly, I’m not judgmental. Living together isn’t a sin anymore.”

“No, that’s not it.” Molly brushed red strands away from her face and looked away. “I just feel that I’m living a lie.” She paused and looked him in the eye. “I just met Pearce. I saw the accident and rescued him from the car. He begged me to pretend to be his wife so no one would take Gracie away.”

One eyebrow shot up. “Take her away?”

“I guess she was in foster care when she was a baby. He was desperate it didn’t happen again and begged me to pretend to be her mother.”

“No wonder he calls you his angel.”

“Please don’t say anything. I just felt I needed to tell you the truth. Once he’s better, I’ll be on my way.”

“You could always stay in the area, get a job at the hospital. They’re always looking for good nurses. I’ll give you a reference.”

Molly grinned. “That might be something to consider.”

“I better go. Old Mrs. Parker will be having a fit if I don’t get to her soon.”

Molly waved him goodbye and went back to check on her patient. While she was gone, Pearce had wheeled himself to the large casement window overlooking the garden. He turned when she came in and watched her cross to stand beside him.

“You were a long time. Is there something I need to know?”

Molly started. She hadn’t thought Pearce would be timing her absence. She shook her head too quickly. “No. We were just chatting.” Why couldn’t she tell him she’d told the doctor the truth about their relationship, that it was all a pretense?

His hand reached out and closed over hers. “Molly.”

Her breath caught in her throat, forming a great lump that made it difficult to breath. She stood shy and awkward, the heat of his hand sending a flame up her arm. Tingles shivered up

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