When the Bough Breaks (Rose Gardner Investigations #6) - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,72

if it’s serious. Pat’s a hot construction worker, and you’re a woman, and pregnant to boot.”

I tilted my head to the side, dying inside, but I’d keep pressing her until I got every drop of information I could. “So this Pat…he’s a construction worker? Like the kind that builds houses or works on highways?”

“The kind that knows how to work with his hands and knows how to use his tools, if you know what I mean.”

“Rose knows how to use tools,” Neely Kate said from her spot next to the wall, still out of sight.

The younger woman leaned to the side, trying to see who had spoken up. She was laughing again when she said, “Rose may know how to use tools, but it’s all about having the right tool for the job.”

“Still,” I said, “if they haven’t been together that long…”

“She met him back in November when we were movin’ in. He was on the construction crew for the remodel of this building.”

Neely Kate tried to stifle her gasp.

Pat worked on Mike’s construction crew. I’d bet my business that Calista knew something about Mike and the kids.

The middle-aged woman had had enough. “Don’t you have somewhere you need to be?”

My mouth stretched into a tight smile. “Thank you for your time.”

I started to walk away, but the younger woman called after me, “Do you want to leave a message for Calista?”

I turned back, all pretenses gone, and held her gaze. “Yeah, tell Calista I’m comin’ for her.”

Chapter 19

Neely Kate kept quiet until we reached the parking lot, but as soon as we were alone, she shot me a worried look. “I don’t think that was a good idea.”

“Pretendin’ to be romantically interested in her?” I asked absently as I tried to figure out what we should do with what we’d learned. “That was your idea from the start, and you’re right, my reputation was already trashed. Might as well let them think I’m lookin’ for a baby mama.”

“Not that,” she said, struggling to keep up with me as I marched toward the truck. “Tellin’ her you were comin’ for her.”

I stopped abruptly at the back of the truck, and she stumbled to stay next to me. “Calista didn’t strike me as stupid. She’ll put together that we’re lookin’ for her. Now she knows for certain.”

Uncertainty wavered in her eyes. “Still…”

“It’s already done. Do you think we should look for Pat first or try to talk to Stewart?”

“Rose, you seem on edge.” she said, hesitantly. “Maybe we should take a moment or two to let this all sink in.”

My ire rose. “Think about what, Neely Kate? That Calista was in town for all of a week or two before she hooked up with a guy on Mike’s construction crew? Do you honestly think that’s an accident? She probably chose him so she could keep tabs on Mike. She’s gotta be in Hardshaw’s pocket.” I shook my head. “I swear, Hardshaw is like a cancer attachin’ itself to everything.”

“I know,” she said. “And I’m frustrated too. But let’s take a moment to think this through.” A bright smile lit up her face, but it looked forced. “Hey, why don’t we call Jed?”

“I’m not about to lose it, Neely Kate,” I snapped. “I don’t need to be handled.”

“I know you don’t, but you’re hormonal, and you’re upset about the kids and Muffy, and you’re not runnin’ on much sleep…” She gave me a sympathetic look. “Oh, honey, it’s all just a lot.”

“I know.” I covered my face with my hand and took a moment to calm down. When I lowered my arm, I said, “I say we try to find Pat. Since no one was workin’ at the house next to Tex’s today, we should try the other neighborhood.”

I could tell she had a mind to protest, but she just pinched her lips and nodded. “Yeah. Okay.”

“You don’t approve?”

“No. It just feels like this is startin’ to get dangerous, you know?”

“That’s never stopped you before,” I said flippantly.

Hurt filled her eyes. “Are you suggestin’ I knowingly put us in unnecessary danger?”

I pushed out a breath of frustration. “No. I’m sorry.” I pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry. I’m a total mess right now. Thank you for bein’ patient with me.”

She hugged me back. “I know it’s the hormones talkin’.”

“It’s still no excuse. And I know you’d never knowingly put us in danger. It’s just that we’re used to takin’ more risks.”

“But things have changed.” She gave me a wry look, then

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