When the Bough Breaks (Rose Gardner Investigations #6) - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,70

to speak to Stewart and hopefully avoid the sales department.

The receptionist’s eyes widened the moment we walked in. “Oh. You’re back.”

Neely Kate started to giggle and covered her mouth with her hand.

My cheeks felt hot, but I forced a smile. “Is Stewart busy?”

The receptionist cast a quick glance at the sales team room before shifting her focus back to me with a wary look. “He’s not here today.”

Neely Kate leaned an arm on the counter. “Is he really gone or is he just hiding in his office tryin’ to avoid Rose?”

Her face flushed. “He’s really off for the day.”

“Do you know if he’ll be back tomorrow?”

“He’s home sick, so I’m not sure. You can leave a message if you like.”

“That’s okay,” I said, my face still burning. “I’m here to check on the bushes, and I just wanted to let him know so he didn’t think I was lurkin’ around.”

“Like a Peeping Tom?” she asked me with a lifted brow and judgment written all over her face.

So much for things not being as bad as I had thought.

Neely Kate gave her a patient smile. “I think there was some misunderstanding about what happened yesterday. Rose here”—she gestured to me—“is obviously very pregnant and keeps having false labor. That’s what happened yesterday.”

If I’d thought my cheeks were hot before, they were on fire now.

The receptionist looked uncomfortable. “Look, my sister just had a baby in January, and I saw her practicing her breathing techniques when I went home for Christmas. What Katie was doing wasn’t anything like what she did.” She nodded her head sideways toward me.

“That’s because Rose is tryin’ something new,” Neely Kate said, then looked back at me with wide eyes. “Right, Rose?”

What was she up to? “Uh…yeah. That’s right.”

Neely Kate turned her attention back to the receptionist. “Rose found something on the internet that says she’s more likely to get through an unmedicated labor if she learns to get in touch with her…” Neely Kate grimaced. “You know, her flower.”

The receptionist looked dubious. “You’re telling me she was practicing her…labor breathing?”

“Not labor breathin’,” Neely Kate said, getting more animated with every word. “She’s getting in touch with her body. Every part of it, so it all works in harmony to help with her delivery.”

“That sounds like a crock of bull to me,” the receptionist said.

Neely Kate shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not, but they’re doin’ it in all the big cities.”

“Not in Dallas they aren’t,” the receptionist said. “My sister pays attention to that sort of thing, and she never mentioned anything about havin’ fake orgasms.”

“Who said it was fake?” Neely Kate asked. Then her eyes flew wide as she realized the implications of what she’d just said.

“Look,” I said, pushing Neely Kate to the side a few inches. “I’m sorry for what happened yesterday, and I’d like to apologize to Calista if she’s willin’.” When she didn’t say anything, I added, “I was not havin’ a… you know.” I cringed, my face flaming again. “I was havin’ false labor, and I just sound really weird when it happens.”

She didn’t look convinced, but she pushed out a sigh. “I’d ask her, even though she made it pretty clear she thinks you’re a degenerate and never wants to see you again, but she’s not here.”

“She called in sick too?” Neely Kate asked.

“Nope. She just didn’t show up.”

We were all silent for a second before Neely Kate said in a lowered voice, “You mentioned your sister is in Dallas. Is that where you’re from?”

“Yeah,” she said. “I moved here with Sonder Tech.”

That seemed a little strange. Stewart had said they were bringing some of their own employees, but why would a receptionist be one of them?

Neely Kate gasped. “Wow! Sonder Tech must have some amazing benefits to convince you to move all the way to Henryetta. Did anyone else relocate here?”

“Stewart, of course, and Gary and Rebecca. And me and Calista.”

“Calista came from Dallas too?” I asked in surprise.

She curled her lip as she looked up at me. “Sure did, but she has a boyfriend, and last I heard, she doesn’t swing that way.”

“Did her boyfriend come with her too?” Neely Kate asked.

“No,” she said with a long sigh, then gave me a patronizing look. “Pat’s from around here, but she’s pretty serious about him, so don’t let the short length of their relationship give you hope it’s only a fling.” Her phone rang and she gave me an apologetic smile. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.”


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