When the Bough Breaks (Rose Gardner Investigations #6) - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,110

womenfolk,” Carey said. “You’d best stick to doin’ what women were meant to do—deliver babies and cook for their men.”

“Why did they want them?” Dermot asked.

“Hell if I know. Rumor has it that Beauregard’s about to turn state’s evidence. I suspect they’re wanting to hold on to those kids to keep him in line.”

Mike was turning himself in? Did Mason know?”

“What a bunch of sick bastards,” Dermot said in disgust.

Carey shook his head. “Hardshaw’s movin’ in, so your best move is to join them, Dermot.”

“We’re never joinin’ those assholes,” Dermot barked. “And you’re a fool to consider it.”

Carey laughed. “You believe what you want, but I’m still gonna need those kids. We’ll lose the deal if we ain’t got ’em.”

My stomach tightened, the urge to push growing. My breath came in pants as I fought it.

Worry covered Dermot’s face, but Carey’s eyes lit up. “You’re comin’ with me, Lady.”

“She’s not goin’ anywhere,” Dermot said.

Carey turned and trained his gun on Dermot, and all I could think about was how Vera had shot Dermot earlier because of me. I wasn’t going to let him get hurt again.

My contraction continued building, but I lifted my own gun and aimed it at Carey. “Move away from him, Carey. Now.”

Carey laughed, and I knew he was going to shoot Dermot, but I still couldn’t bring myself to pull the trigger.

But a shot rang out and I screamed, because it hadn’t come from me, which meant my own inaction had really gotten Dermot killed this time.

My uterus clamped down, but I fought against it with all my might. I couldn’t push for a multitude of reasons, the least of which was Carey was shooting my friend.

But it was Carey who fell, and Dermot rushed over to me, his face intense.

“Don’t push, Rose.”

I dropped the gun as I started crying. “I’m sorry. I didn’t shoot him.”

“You were a little busy,” he said. “Now don’t push.”

“I can’t help it.”

“Yes, you can. Breathe,” he coaxed. “He. He. Ho.”

I nodded, repeating the chant.

“I’m gonna need to check again,” he said, sounding worried.

“Not here,” I said, staring at Carey’s lifeless body. “I’m not havin’ my baby here.”

“Okay,” he said. “We’ll move once the contraction is done, okay?”

“Okay.” Once it ended, Dermot helped me to my feet and we started walking toward the creek, but I could feel something between my legs, and I looked up at Dermot in a panic. “The baby’s comin’ now.”

“We just need to try to cross the creek before the next contraction hits. The truck’s not too far. The kids are there waitin’.”

The kids. How had I forgotten about the kids? But I knew they were safe, and I had more pressing concerns. “No, Dermot,” I said, reaching between my legs. “It’s comin’ now.”

He pulled me to a halt. “I need to check, Rose.”

There was no way I was lying on the ground, not out in the clearing all exposed, so I got down on my knees, tugged my pants down over my hips, then got on all fours.

Dermot reached between my legs, and he cursed. “We’re not goin’ anywhere, Rose. You’re right. They baby’s comin’.”

“Is the baby still breech?”

“Your baby’s foot is hanging out, and I need to help the rest of the baby come out.” The tremor in his voice scared me.

I shook my head. “No. Not here. I can’t.”

“Rose, we have to deliver now. The cord might be compressed.”

Fear swamped my head. “What do I need to do?”

He hesitated. “Take off your sweater.”

I started to question him, but another contraction was building, so I slid it off and handed it to him. “Now what?”

“Lie on your back. I’m going to need to pull off your pants.”

“Okay,” I said, not liking either suggestion, but I didn’t have a choice.

Dermot helped me onto my back and tugged off my pants, then laid my sweater across my lap and upper legs. He opened his bag and started to put on a pair of gloves. “Let me know when the next one starts.”

I nodded, terrified. “Please don’t let my baby die, Dermot.”

“I promised you that I wouldn’t let anything happen to your baby. I don’t make promises lightly.” His eyes were dark and determined.

“It’s starting now.”

He knelt between my legs, wearing a serious expression, but his eyes were kind. If anyone could get me through this, it was Dermot. “You can push this time, but stop when I tell you to, okay?”


“Then let’s deliver your baby. Now push.”

Bracing myself up on my elbows, I pushed, but the

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