When the Bough Breaks (Rose Gardner Investigations #6) - Denise Grover Swank Page 0,108

started chanting, “He. He. Ho. He He. Ho.”

My eyes locked with his and I did as he said, concentrating on the pattern, and soon the urge began to ease.

When it subsided, I realized Ashley and Mikey were staring at me in fear.

“It’s okay,” I said with a reassuring smile. “My baby wants to come before we get to the hospital, and we’re tryin’ to stop it. I’m okay.”

Ashley nodded, but she didn’t look totally convinced.

“Okay, kids,” Dermot said. “We’re almost at the clearing, and once we get there, we’re gonna run.”

“I don’t think I can run,” I said. Truth be told, I wasn’t so sure I could get to my feet, and Dermot must have sensed it because he grabbed my hand and tugged me up.

“I know,” he said. “We’re gonna do the best we can.”

We’d just reached the clearing when Dermot stopped. “Everybody quiet.”

I shot him a questioning look, but he was tense, straining to listen to something, and then I heard it too. The crack of tree branches behind us.

“I think they’re up ahead,” a man who sounded a lot like Carey Collard, Gerard’s son, called out.

“We need to hide,” Dermot whispered.

The creek was twenty feet in front of us. “You take the kids across,” I said. “I’ll wait here.”

“What?” he whisper-shouted, his eyes hard. “No. I’m not leaving you.”

“Yes. Trust me when I tell you I wouldn’t suggest this if there were any other way. It took me forever to cross it the first time. It’s not gonna happen. And if the kids stay here, they might make a noise and give us away. So take them across, and I’ll hide until you get back.”


“You know this is the best plan. We need to get them out of here, away from danger.”

His resolve wavered. “I made you a promise, Rose.”

“And you’re gonna keep that promise,” I said. “You have a gun, right? Do you have two?”

He gave me a long look. “You’re due another contraction any minute. What are you gonna do then?”

“I’ll figure that out when it happens. You’re wastin’ time. You know we need those kids out of here. You and I can deal with the Collards together.”

He gave me another look, then dug into his bag and pulled out a handgun, offering it to me handle first. “It has a full clip and here’s another round.” He passed it over with his other hand. “Hide in the trees, off the path.” He grinned. “But don’t shoot me when I get back.”

“I won’t,” I said, forcing a smile as I dropped the clip into my sweater pocket. “I need you to keep your promise.”

I headed deeper into the trees, catching a glimpse of Dermot grabbing Mikey with his left arm and holding him to his chest as he ran toward the creek. Ashley ran behind them. Once Dermot had crossed the stream, he lowered Mikey onto his feet and raced back to pick up Ashley, who had started to climb down the bank. Once he made it to the far side, the kids took off running into the trees. He stood at the edge, likely debating whether he could make it back to me before the Collards reached the clearing.

“I know you’re out here somewhere, Rose,” Carey Collard called out. “I’ve been listening to you chatter for a few minutes now. Sounds like you’re in labor, but what I’d like to know is who’s with you.”

I held my breath, praying my next contraction took longer to kick in.

“I also know you took those kids, and I’m gonna need them back.”

I considered telling him he’d get them back when hell froze over, but I didn’t want to give my position away. When I turned back to check on Dermot, he was gone.

And even though I was grateful he’d listened to me, a chill shot down my back. My baby and I were in this alone.

Chapter 29

The footsteps came closer, and Carey called out, “Ashley… I’m gonna hurt your Auntie Rose if you don’t come out of where you’re hiding right now.”

I sure hoped Dermot told the kids to follow the path to my truck. In hindsight, I should have checked my phone for cell service. I could have called Joe.

But none of that mattered right now. I needed to focus all the energy I had left on hiding from a man who would take great pleasure trying to find a way to humiliate me and put me in my place before he killed me. Carey was

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