Wheels of Fire - Autumn Jones Lake Page 0,74

with Chaser. We’re engaged.”

“Jesus Christ, Mallory.” He throws his hands in the air and swivels away from me. “I don’t want to be your friend.”


When he turns my way again, sweet fun-loving Andrew has left the building. I barely recognize the wicked sex fiend in front of me. “I want to fuck you.” Each word oozes from his mouth with deliberate ease.

“You and me would be fire together,” he continues. His gaze drops to my chest. “I’ve been motherfucking obsessed with you since the first time I saw your picture in L.A. Weekly.” He licks his top lip and meets my eyes. “But I’m not interested in being your friend.”

“Oh.” Mortification heats my skin from chest to toes. I’m such an idiot.

“Trust and believe me when I say, I have never put so much effort into fucking a woman, Mallory.”

“What are you talking about?”

“It feels like every move I’ve made for months now—”

“Wait a second.” The double-sting of humiliation and betrayal ignite my anger. “All this…time…collaborating with Chaser, defending Audrey, taking Kickstart on tour…asking me to model for your —”

His face screws up as if he can’t believe he did all those nice things. But he shakes off the confusion quickly. “No. Chaser’s a talented musician. I like hanging out with him. Love working with him. Kickstart was a business decision. They’re a solid band that complements my band. Our audiences overlap. They work hard and they puts asses in the seats.”

“Then, it’s all business?”

“Not at all. I would’ve loved it if I could’ve gotten Chaser to bang some groupies. And if it worked out that you caught him and fell onto my dick to ease your pain, that would’ve been a fantastic bonus.”

My head hurts from trying to make sense of his explanations. “So…when you brought those girls on Chaser’s bus? You weren’t kidding around?”

“Fuck no.” He clenches his teeth, emphasizing his angular jawline. “Jesus Christ, I found blondes, brunettes, redheads, fat chicks, skinny chicks, Big tits, small tits. Nothing made him bite.”

The pain in my chest expands. I honestly thought Andrew’s antics were silly and harmless. Just him goofing off. Playing pranks. Chaser was right to be so angry. “You would’ve hurt me like that?”

He rubs the back of his neck and stares at the ceiling for a few seconds. Obviously, my feelings were never a concern. “You should thank me. He was a fucking monk on the road.” He snort-laughs and looks away. “I gotta be honest, it just made me even more obsessed with you.”

“Okay. Wow.” I blink and sit back. That’s a whole lot of honesty.

I’m a mix of emotions as I take in everything he laid out. Disgusted, hurt, offended, guilty, and furious. I’ve met so many shitty, disgusting men in Hollywood. Despite his obnoxious antics, I thought Andrew was different. I thought he was my friend—something I don’t have many of out here. I’m such an idiot.

“Is there anything about me that you actually like, Andrew?” I ask quietly. “As a person, I mean.”

He rakes his fingers over his jaw as he considers the question. “You’re not as annoying to talk to as most chicks.”

“But I’m nothing more than another disposable girl you’d like to add your list of conquests?”

He grabs my hand again, yanking me forward. “What do you want me to say, Mallory? That I’d put a ring on your finger and swear I’d never look at another woman again?” He runs his gaze over me. “I don’t think I could make that promise to any woman if it makes you feel better.”

I pull my hand back. “So, your interest in me…it’s nothing more than some sort of compulsion?”

“Why all the questions?” He brushes his knuckles against my cheek. “If you’re so committed to Chaser, why do you care?”

My body trembles as I shrug. “I don’t know.”

A giddy, wide-eyed expression transforms his face. “Are you attracted to me, Mallory?”

My throat tightens and I drop my gaze, shaking my head.

His fingers graze my chin and he forces my head up. “You are. A little bit, aren’t you?”


“Mallory.” My name passes his lips like a scolding. “Don’t lie when I’ve been totally honest with you.”

I shake my head, scared to admit how repulsed I am by his confession. How disappointed I am that he’s no different than every other sleaze I’ve met in Hollywood. I have no words to express the hurt and betrayal digging into my ribs that he’d disrespect the man I love with all my heart by saying these things

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