Wheels of Fire - Autumn Jones Lake Page 0,47

in common.

I jerk my thumb over my shoulder. “Relationship advice from the old man wasn’t high on my list of things I wanted today.”

He snorts. “Neither of our fathers are qualified to advise anyone on that topic.”

“Amen, brother.”

Brothers stomp into the clubhouse, ready to celebrate. A few of the old ladies stop by and pat me on the shoulder or kiss my cheek to congratulate me.

Tally watches the room for a few seconds before motioning me closer to him.

“Mallory’s a good girl, Chaser.” His gaze shifts to the side. “What you two have is real. I respect your dad as my president. Love him like a brother. Hell, he’s been like a second father to me for most of my life, but don’t let him fuck up what you and Mallory have together.”

“Thanks, brother.” I slap his shoulder in appreciation.

“Go get your girl. It’s time to celebrate.” He lifts his chin toward my father’s office. “Worry about it tomorrow.”

Fuck that. I have no intention of letting the seed my father planted take root.

But that’s the thing about intentions.

The road to hell is lined with ’em.

Chapter Twenty


Whatever Chaser and his father discussed must have been unpleasant. He returns to our room in a foul mood, slamming the door behind him and letting out a string of curses.

“What do you think?” I pose and flash my hands—partially covered in black lace gloves—at him.

His bitter expression dissolves. “I think you’re beautiful and I can’t wait to be your husband.”

“I can’t wait to be your wife.”

“Come here.” He holds out his arms and even though he’s the one who seems to need the comforting, I take shelter against his body. “I love you so much, little dove.”

The emotion in his voice sprinkles fear over our sweet moment. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I want to make you happy for the rest of our lives. Always.”

“You already do.”

“You’ll tell me if I don’t.” It’s a statement, not a question.

“Will you tell me if I don’t make you happy?”

He kisses my forehead. “Not possible. Just breathing the same air as you makes me happy.”

“Chaser, is everything okay? Did something happen because of what I said to my father?”

He steps back, brow furrowed as he considers my question. “No, I don’t think so.”

“Stump said he was happy for us.” I bite my lip and drop my gaze. “Did he change his mind?” Not that I think it matters to Chaser, but at least one of our fathers should approve of our marriage.

A fist thumps against our door before Chaser has a chance to answer the question.

“Party’s starting!” someone shouts.

“That’s our cue to get out there,” I whisper.

Maybe it’s better if he doesn’t answer my question.

Chaser brushes his knuckles under my chin. “Are you ready, future Mrs. Adams?”

I grin at him. “Absolutely, future Mr. Dove.”

He pulls me in, hugging me tight. “Never happening, but I love you.”

“Mr. DeLova?” I raise a teasing eyebrow.

“Fuck no. I’d take Dove before DeLova.”

“Good to know. Good to know.”

Shaking his head, he takes my hand and leads me into the main room of the clubhouse.

“Here’s the happy couple!” Tally yells.

We stop under the archway leading into the bar area while everyone shouts congratulations and cheers for us. It’s rowdy and unlike anything I’ve ever been a part of but I savor every second of pure, honest emotion.

I hold up my left hand and flash my ring at the room. “We’re engaged!”

More cheers and a few crude words are thrown at us. Some “ball and chain” jokes and “better run while you can” comments, which Chaser ignores.

Stump embraces both of us and kisses my forehead. “Welcome to the family, princess,” he whispers before turning around and pushing me forward. “My future daughter-in-law. Couldn’t ask for a better woman for my son.”

A beat of silence passes before everyone shouts another round of congratulations. My guess is Stump doesn’t often demonstrate affection.

“Thank you, Mr. Adams—”


“Thank you…Dad.” My eyes water and I tell myself it’s only because of the heavy cloud of smoke hanging in the air. “Thank you for always making me feel like I belong here.”

He stares at me and swallows hard before looking away. “You’re family, Mallory. You’ll always belong here.”

Chaser’s staring daggers at his father and brushes him off when he tries to hug him.

Well, I guess that answers my earlier question.

Chapter Twenty-One


The bikers who call this clubhouse home will use any excuse to party. But engagements don’t happen often, so they’re extra rambunctious tonight. Doe and a few other old ladies pull Mallory away to

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