Wheels of Fire - Autumn Jones Lake Page 0,36

the garage. I bought it for myself but I thought you might like to use it while you’re home.” He slides his gaze to Mallory again. “In case you want to take some trips. See some sights.” He slaps the seat. “Be more comfortable for your girl.”

Gee, Dad why don’t you just announce I’m planning to propose to her while we’re home? Naturally, he ignores the glare I shoot his way.

He runs his hands over the handlebars. “Same feel as the FLH but it has the larger frame. Less vibration and a little roomier.”

“Nice.” I run my gaze over the black and gold paint. “Planning to do anything to the colors?”

“No. Strictly civilian ride.” Smart choice, so wherever he plans to go, he doesn’t run the risk of rolling into another club’s territory with our club’s colors announcing his arrival. He hands over the keys.

“You sure about this?”

“I trust you. You’ll take care of her.”

“Thanks, Dad. Appreciate it.” I’d been fully prepared to take Mallory’s car to Niagara Falls, but this will be much nicer.

Mallory grabs one of her bags out of the trunk and hurries into the house after asking my dad if he’s staying for dinner.

My father stares at the front door for a few seconds after Mallory leaves. “Still planning to pop the question?”

Should I answer my father honestly? He might have changed his mind since the last time I told him my plans to marry Mallory. “Plan to ask her before we go back to L.A.”

Like last time, he absorbs the news better than I expected. “Pay off that ring, yet?”

“Need to make the final payment on it and pick it up.”

“Still planning to take her to Niagara Falls?”

“Tomorrow maybe, yeah.”

He nods slowly. “Things have changed a lot since I was there with your mother. Still supposed to be romantic.”

Romantic? Since when does my father care about romance? “Uh, I guess.” Shit, this conversation took a strange turn.

“Think you’ll be back by the weekend?”

“Sounds like you need me to be.” I tap the bike. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing.” He pauses. “Might try to have a few members of the Silver Saints over again. See if we can work on a few issues.”

“You fucking kidding me? Why?”

“We both know it’s in every club’s best interest to work together instead of against each other.”

I tap his chest and then mine. “Yeah, we know that. Clubs like theirs, don’t.”

He doesn’t disagree or follow up on my statement. “We’ll celebrate your engagement. That should help keep things friendly and casual.”

“All right.” Works for me. I’ll show my face, shake some hands, then get Mallory the fuck away from those cretins. “Need me to do anything while we’re in Canada?”

“No. Take your girl away. Relax. She’s certainly earned a vacation after puttin’ up with your antics.”

“Thanks.” I eye him carefully. “You sure you’re all right with this?” Not that I need my father’s permission to propose to my girlfriend but he’s taking the news so calmly.

“It’s your life.” He glances down at his boots. “I know you don’t feel like it, but you’re both still so young. Forever’s a long, long time.”

“Yeah, I’m hoping we can end up one of those old couples who celebrate their seventy-fifth wedding anniversary on TV”

“Jesus Christ. Who raised you?”

I grin at him. “You did.”

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but…”

Ahh, here we go.

“While getting married might help keep things smooth with her father, don’t do it for that reason. We’re on good terms with the Russians right now.”

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but that idea never occurred to me. I love her and want to spend my life with her. Period.”

His eyes widen and guilt stabs me in the gut. Active member or not, what’s good for the club should always be the first thing on my mind.

“It’s all for love then.” He says it like it’s a damn death sentence.

“Afraid so, Dad.” Time to cut this off before it heads south. “Don’t say anything to anyone before we leave. I don’t want to ruin the surprise.”

“I won’t say anything. But I’ll have to share the news before the party. Otherwise, I’m liable to get a size nine high-heel boot lodged up my ass if Doe can’t throw a proper celebration together for you two.”

The corners of my mouth twitch. Doe loves to mark every special occasion with a made-from-scratch cake. “That’s fine.”

He stares at me for a moment but doesn’t say anything else.

I can’t shake the feeling there’s some sort of conflict brewing in

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