Wheels of Fire - Autumn Jones Lake Page 0,22

cars, flowers, or diamonds are going to make up for your woman finding lipstick on your dick. And if it does, you probably shouldn’t be with that woman anyway.”

“Damn. You’re like a fucking philosopher or something, Chaser.”

“I watched my dad do plenty of stupid shit while I was growing up. Taught me a lot.”

“See, I didn’t have a dad around to teach me the important stuff.”

“Mine would’ve whooped your ass several times by now.”

He snorts and holds out his hand for me to help him off the floor. “He still coming to our last show?”

“Far as I know.” I glance at the clock. “Fuck, I was supposed to call him.”

“I really ruined your night, huh?”

“In several ways. Yes.”

“Thanks for sticking around, even though I’m an asshole.”

I slap his shoulder. “I’ll talk to Pamela but don’t get your hopes up.” I pause with my hand on the doorknob. “Don’t go anywhere. Get some sleep. Stay out of trouble.”

“I’ll try.”

Not all that satisfied with his answer, I escape out the door and into my room. It’s dark but there’s enough light to make out Pamela’s body stretched out on the couch.

“Pamela,” I whisper. “Are you awake?”

She sniffles and picks up her head. “Did he come with you?”

“No, I told him not to. Do you want to talk to him, though? I’ll walk you down there if—”

“No, fuck him.”

And that’s the extent of my mediation. “All right. Night, Pamela.”

She sits up but I pretend I can’t see her in the dark and hurry into the bedroom, closing the door behind me. Mallory left a lamp on but she’s curled away from the weak circle of light. I strip down and snap off the lamp before climbing into bed behind her.

“I’m back,” I whisper.

“Oh.” She turns over and kisses my chest. “Is everything okay?”

“No, Andrew’s a mess. But it’s his own fucking fault, so I’m low on sympathy for the fucker.”

“Same here.” She cuddles up closer to me. “This wasn’t what I had in mind for our first night together in weeks.”

I snort and kiss the top of her head. “Me either.”

“Was Pamela still awake?”

“Yeah, I talked to her for a sec. Promised Andrew I’d try to get her to talk to him, but that was a no go.”

“Did she ask you for Kyle’s room number?”

“No, but I heard about that.”

“Really? From Andrew?”


“You know I’d never do that, right?” she asks.

“What?” Then her question sinks in and I snort. “Yeah, and you know I’d never do that.” Fuck it feels good having her in my arms again. I trace my fingers over her shoulder. “You know how much I love you, right? How much I love just being with you?”

“I do. I’ve missed you every day since I left.”

“Same here.” I swallow and try to collect my thoughts. “I don’t want that to ever change.”

“Neither do I.”


The apprehension that bothered me earlier finally fades.

I hold her tighter and don’t let go.

Chapter Ten


“I appreciate you trying to be quiet, but these walls are paper-thin,” Pamela announces the next morning when I stumble into the living room.

Both the sunlight pouring into the room and her statement leave me blinking in confusion.

“I’m just messing with you!” Her gaze moves past my shoulder. “I’m jealous you’re getting laid and all I got was screwed.”

Chaser’s hands settle on my shoulders. “Morning, Pamela,” he greets with all the enthusiasm of a mall security guard making his morning rounds.

Someone pounds on our door.

Pamela’s gaze darts to the bathroom. “If it’s Andrew, I’m not here.”

She scurries away and Chaser answers the door.

“You ready for this?” Jacob sweeps into the room without waiting for an invitation. Garrett and Alvin following behind him.

“Fuck.” Chaser scrubs his hands over his face. “I totally forgot.”

“How could you forget?” Alvin thumps his hand against Chaser’s chest.

Chaser rolls his eyes. “Trust me. It’s been a night.”

The toilet flushes and a few seconds later, Pamela emerges from the bathroom.

One corner of Jacob’s mouth slides up.

“Don’t,” Chaser warns. “You know what, fuck it.” He steps back. “Have at it.”

“You sly fucker,” Garrett says.

I glare at him and he winks at me. “Didn’t think you had it in you.”

“Fuck off,” Chaser growls.

“Andrew and I broke up and they let me borrow their couch. But thanks for talking about me as if I’m not even here.” Pamela drops down on the couch and starts riffling through her purse, ignoring the guys.

“Pay no attention to them, darling,” Jacob glides over and squats down in front of her, Prince Charming style. “Is there anything

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