Wheels of Fire - Autumn Jones Lake Page 0,20

damn dick!” she shrieks.

Afraid I’ll laugh, which would be truly awful in this moment, I go over and pick up her shoes, dropping them under the long table in front of the couch.

“Are you sure?”

She plants her fists on her hip in a scary imitation of an evil comic book villain about to melt half a city block with the power of her laser eye beams. “Cherries in the Snow is kind of hard to miss.”

Eww. Now I’ll have to toss every tube of that color I’ve ever bought.

“God, do you know how many guys I’ve passed on because of that jackass? I could’ve fucked Davey Revolver.”

Join the club. “He’s gross.”

She wrinkles her nose. “Andrew or Davey?”

Both of them. “Uh, Davey.

“Whatever.” She lifts her head and a crooked smile twists her mouth. “You don’t happen to know Kyle’s room number, do you?”

“How would I know? We just got here. Why?”

“Because I’ve fucked him the last time Andrew and I broke up. And I have a sudden urge to do it again.”

“Wow. Uh, okay.” I can understand why it makes sense in her head but, yuck.

I glance at the door longingly. Is Chaser making out better than I am with Andrew? Or did we both draw short sticks tonight?

Chapter Nine


“Chaser, I gotta talk to her,” Andrew insists.

I keep pushing him down the hallway, but he’s so damn loud, doors crack open and guests peek out to see what all the commotion is about. It’s only a matter of time before security gets called. Strange that none of our bandmates have popped out to see if we need help. Not like we’re all staying on the same floor or anything.

Every single one of those assholes is getting a five a.m. wake-up call for leaving me to deal with this fuckery on my own.

“Let her cool off for a minute and then I’ll see if she wants to talk to you.”

He stabs his fingers through his hair and tugs at the strands. “Oh, this is bad. This is so bad, Chaser.”

“Give me your key.”

He hands it over and I open the door, pushing him into the suite. Once he’s securely inside, I stop and take in the room. Paintings ripped off the wall and broken. Television smashed by the window. Chairs overturned.

“What the fuck happened in here?”

He laughs. “Oh, we trashed the place earlier. I thought housekeeping would’ve cleaned it up by now.”

“Are you fucking five years old?”

“What?” He shakes off the room stuff and grabs my shoulders. “You have to let me talk to her.”

I cross my arms over my chest and put my back to the door. “Tell me what happened first.”

He stops kicking debris out of his way, grabs his hair with one hand, and points at me with the other. “Don’t you dare fucking laugh.”

“That good, huh?” I’m already fighting to keep my mouth in a straight line. Can’t help it.

“I’ll punch your lights out if you laugh,” he warns.

The struggle to keep a straight face is too much. “You can try.”

He throws me a menacing scowl. “After you guys got out, Pammy was feeling frisky. She undid my pants.” He reaches down to rub his crotch. “I was gonna get a little BJ action.”

I groan, already suspecting where this is headed.

“I swear, if you fucking laugh—”

“Just finish your story. The suspense is killing me.”

He glowers at me. “That banging little tart from the show left fuckin’ lipstick all over my dick!”

Maybe it’s exhaustion or disappointment that I’m not with Mallory right now when I’ve been jonesing for her for so long, but I fucking lose my shit. The sheer outrage in his voice is too much. I crack up so hard and fast, I end up sliding down the door till my ass hits the carpet, then fall over on my side, howling and clutching my stomach.

“It’s not funny.” Andrew’s sneaker connects with my thigh. It only makes me laugh harder.

“Karma…she’s a…brilliant bitch,” I sputter.

“You jinxed me, Chaser! When we were getting in the limo, you called it!”

I stop laughing and stare up at him. “So it’s my fault you couldn’t, I don’t know, splash some water on your damn dick before picking up your girlfriend?”

“You were rushing me! We were late.”

“Maybe you should’ve passed on the blowjob from the girl you just met?”

“Give up a free blowjob?” He blinks at me in confusion. “Why?”

“Not really free is it?”

“Fuck.” He drops down onto the floor next to me. “That’s deep, Chaser.”


He glances toward the bathroom. “I’m gonna take

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