Wheels of Fire - Autumn Jones Lake Page 0,137

little punk. Hand out some fatherly ‘proud-of-you’ bullshit.”

“Yeah,” I answer slowly. “I don’t see him falling for something so obvious.”

My father dismisses my concern with a flick of cigar ash on the floor. “Whatever you need to say to find out what that second charter’s about.”

“Because he’s gonna be real forthcoming with those details.” I lift my chin. “You fucking kidding me?”

“You’re smart. Figure it out.”

A loud buzzing rattles from inside one of my father’s desk drawers.

He pulls out one of the club’s burner phones and glances at it. A slow smile crosses his face. “518 area code. Wonder who that could be?”

Empire, NY

Lost Kings MC clubhouse, Upstate NY


Few people ever see our struggles or our pain. But everyone sees your mistakes. Revels in your misery. Passes judgment.

“That’s my story, Rock,” Trinity finishes baring her soul to me with lowered eyes and a voice barely above a whisper.

The things this woman has endured at the hands of her father’s club leave fury boiling my blood. It took courage to spill her painful past.

“You’ve done the hard part, Trinity. I’ll handle the rest now.”

“Okay.” The slight quiver of disbelief in her voice punches me in the gut. She’s been let down so many times and by so many people, she doesn’t know how to trust anymore.

Or perhaps she’s waiting for me to tell her my club’s protection comes at the price of spreading her legs, which it doesn’t.

The only way to earn her trust is to keep my word. Besides, Trinity’s given me a kid sister vibe since the night we met when she teased me about my shiny new president’s patch.

I work a more reassuring smile onto my face. “We’ve got your back. The ride goes on, right?”

She huffs a sad laugh. “My dad used to say that all the time. People change, the world goes to shit, but the ride continues.”

“Bishop was a wise man.”

I met her father once. A mean bastard of a biker, but a good man. Stabbed in the back by the same men who pledged to be his brothers.

Putting the Silver Saints MC to ground is looking better and better by the minute.

The Devil Demons MC is my best bet to take out the Silver Saints. Trouble’s been brewing between the two clubs since well before I earned my colors.

“Your mother’s still with a biker?”

“Maybe?” She shrugs. “I haven’t seen her in so long…”

It shouldn’t matter. If anything, it should motivate Stump even more once he understands the situation.

“If it’s okay with you, I’ll give Chaser a call.”

A brief smile flickers over her lips. “I remember him. His ol’ lady was always nice to me when I was little.”

That doesn’t surprise me one bit. Mallory’s a fine woman.

“You won’t…?” Her scared honey eyes silently plead with me.

She doesn’t have to voice the rest of the question. “No. I won’t share details of what you told me with anyone. I promise.”

“Are you sure this is okay? You barely know me.”

“I know enough. You’re safe here, Trinity.”

She finally seems reassured. “Thank you.”

I stand and open my office door. “Go get settled. I have a few things I need to take care of.”

She hesitates for a second before nodding and slipping out the door.

My vice president’s waiting outside my office and watches Trinity with an interested expression that irritates the shit out of me. “Get in here, fuckface.”

Zero grins, flashing a set of deceiving dimples. Dimples or not, he’s as deadly a biker as one gets.

“’Sup, Prez?” He shakes his head. “Fuck, still feels weird calling you that.”

I tap his almost pristine VP patch. “Same, brother.”

He drapes himself over the chair Trinity just vacated. “She gonna be our new house mama?”

“Wrath’s got his eye on her. They’ve been out a few times. Leave her alone.”

He snorts. “Wrath’s never claiming an ol’ lady.”

“Just leave her alone.”

He shrugs. Between the girls at our strip club and the girls who wander in and out of our clubhouse, Z’s not exactly hurting for female attention.

“What’ve you been hearing out of Kodack?”

“Demons still run the show. They’re getting more pushback from Tyler’s crew, though.”

I growl at the mention of the sleazy fuck at the head of the Silver Saints’ table. “Chaser’s father-in-law isn’t assisting them with that situation?”

“Nah, you know DeLova’s too good for dirty biker business.”

Yeah right. “You don’t believe that for a second.”

“Feds went at them hard for a few years. DeLova’s keeping his distance.”

“I think we should offer the Devil Demons our support.”

The smile slides off Z’s face. “Why are

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