Wheels of Fire - Autumn Jones Lake Page 0,132

love, honor, cherish, and support him, forsaking all others, until death do you part?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Do you have rings to exchange?”

“I do!” I carefully work the knot holding Chaser’s ting to my bouquet loose. He raises his eyebrow when I hold out the ring. “I know you wanted…” I trace my fingers over his knuckles. “But I had to give you something today,” I whisper.

He stares down at the polished platinum band. “When did you…?”

“A while ago.”

The officiant clears his throat. I guess we’ve gone rogue.

“Mallory and Chaser will now exchange rings as a symbol of their love and commitment to one another.”

Chaser pulls a small blue velvet box out of his pocket, leaving it closed. He’s probably as worried about dropping it in the sand as I am.

“Your rings are a circle—a symbol of your never-ending love for one another.”

“Chaser, please place your ring on Mallory’s left hand and repeat after me.”

I don’t process the few short lines Chaser repeats. I’m too dazzled by the slender, sparkling diamond band Chaser slides down my bare left ring finger.

Then, it’s my turn. I hold out the ring I fell in love with the first time I visited Cartier and slip it on Chaser’s finger.

He’s all mine.

I’m so happy, laughter and tears flow together. A pleasant buzzing in my ears almost drowns out the last lines of the ceremony.

“Love will make your relationship work. Trust that you always want what’s best for each other. Remember to learn and grow together. Remain loyal to one another in times of uncertainty. And now by the power vested in me by the state of Hawaii, it is my honor to declare you husband and wife. Go forth and hold true to your journey together.” He winks at Chaser. “You may kiss your bride.”

“Finally.” Chaser swoops in, coiling his arms around me, and sealing his mouth against mine.

I curl my toes in the soft, warm sand, still trying to convince myself this is real and not a dream. “I love you so much,” I whisper against his lips. “Thank you.”

“You’ve made me the happiest man in the world.”

Chapter Sixty-Six


After a simple island dinner on the beach with our friends, I finally have my bride all to myself.

“You know I’ve been dying to peel that suit off you all day?”

After the ceremony, she tossed on some sort of see-through beach cover-up over the suit. It just made me want to rip off everything even more.

Inside our room, I don’t bother flicking on the lamp. Mallory leads me onto the patio leading to our private piece of beach. Together, we dance under the light of the moon. The humidity and sea breeze coating our skin.

“You feel good in my arms, Mrs. Adams,” I whisper.

She answers with a happy noise. My hands slip on her slick skin, brushing against the ties holding her top together. I tug at the knot. “Let’s go inside.”

I stop her on the patio, eyeing the wicker chair-swing dangling in the corner. A perfect egg-shaped nest for my little dove. It instantly inspires a dozen dirty ideas. “Come here.”

I leave her standing there for a second, while I duck into our room to grab a towel to spread over the cushion.

“Come sit.” I hold the swinging chair steady while she lifts herself into the seat, then release it to gently sway side to side.

“I think it’s big enough for two.” She reaches out her hand to me.

“Not for what I have planned.”

I kneel down in front of her and finally get my fingers on the pink ribbons at her hips. “These have been fucking with me since you walked down the aisle,” I mutter, working the left one loose and then the right.

Her soft laughter floats away on the ocean breeze.

“Spread your legs.”

Almost shyly, she parts her thighs. Not enough. I grasp one foot, lifting and bracing it against the outer edge of the swing. Getting the idea, she lifts her other leg, leaving her wide open and bare to my hungry gaze.

I sit back on my heels. “Fuck, that’s nice. We need one of these at home.”

Slow enough to drive me insane, she brings her fingers to her mouth and licks, then slides them over her perfect, pink pussy. “Mmm. We could hang it facing the front door and I could greet you like this every night when you come home,” she purrs.

“We should’ve added that to our vows.” I’m hypnotized, watching as she lazily keeps sliding two fingers through her wetness.



“Are you planning

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