Wheels of Fire - Autumn Jones Lake Page 0,121

fast enough.”

“I think you’re brilliant.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her. “And can’t wait to see you wearing those and nothing else, later.”

“I thought you might say that.” Her expression turns more serious. “I’m so proud of you.”

“Proud of you too,” I rest my forehead against hers. “It’s hard to believe things are actually…coming together for both of us.”

“Believe it.” She reaches up and rakes her nails through my hair. I close my eyes as the pleasurable shivery sensation ripples down my spine. “I’m always in your corner, Chaser. No matter what.”

My chest expands and fills with love. The music accolades are great, but it means so much more that I have this woman to share everything with. She never judges me, and cares about each success and failure as much as I do.

Outside, a horn honks, pulling us apart. I glance over at the door, growling low in my throat.

Mallory pats my cheek. “Easy there, junkyard dog.”

I growl even louder and nip at her fingers until she’s shaking with laughter. “Stop. I can barely breathe as it is in this dress.”

“Mallory!” Cindy hurries down the hallway, dragging her giant makeup case behind her.

“Cindy, let me take that.” I grab the handle before she has a chance to protest. “Thanks for coming over and helping Mallory.”

She blushes and glances at her feet. “No problem, Chaser.” Her eyes widen. “Oh! I almost forgot. Take this.” She hands Mallory a small pouch. “Will it fit inside your bag?”

“Shoot. My bag.” Mallory hurries down the hallway, leaving Cindy and I to awkwardly stare at each other.

Someone bangs on the front door and I lean over to open it.

“What’s taking so long, fucker?” Garrett says. Alvin shoves him from behind and Garrett stumbles inside.

“We’re coming. Settle down.” I glance at Garrett’s dark red velvet sport coat and black jeans. “Spiffy. Aren’t you worried you’re going to sweat your ass off?”

“Just wait’ll you see Jacob’s get-up.” Alvin smirks while he adjusts the cuffs of his simple black-and-white-striped button-up shirt.

Mallory talked me into a loose, black button-up shirt with silver threads running through it to go with my black jeans and Chucks. I don’t hate it.

“Well, hello.” Garrett finally notices Cindy and glides over to her with his hand extended and perv face working overtime.

Alvin rolls his eyes at me.

“Garrett, this is Mallory’s friend, Cindy, please don’t be a creep to her,” I introduce. He ignores me, of course. But Cindy doesn’t seem to mind the attention, so I leave them alone.

“Ready!” Mallory re-enters and beams when she sees Alvin. “Looking good, kid.”

“You too.” He jerks his thumb at me. “I see you got this clown into a grown-up shirt.”

She gives me a sly smile as she approaches and gently rests her palms against my chest. “Doesn’t he look handsome?”

“He looks…something.” Alvin grins and I flip him off.

I glance down at Mallory’s fingers, busy unbuttoning my shirt practically to my navel. “Uh, what’re you doing?”

“There.” She pats my chest. “Much better. Show off more of that sexy ink.”

The guys—dicks that they are—howl with laughter.

“I better get going.” Cindy gives Mallory a quick hug. “Have the best time tonight.”

“I’ll walk you out,” Garrett offers.

Since he’s suddenly such a gentleman, I shove Cindy’s makeup case into his arms.

Mallory bites her lip as she watches them leave. “They’d make a cute couple,” she whispers.

Alvin rolls his eyes. “You wanna play matchmaker, find me someone.”

“Aw, Alvin, why didn’t you say something?”

“I’m kidding.”

“You got everything?” I ask Mallory.

She holds up a silver drawstring bag. “Change of clothes.” She twists and turns, checking out the back of her dress. “I’m a little scared if I move wrong, I’ll split this thing down the middle.”

“Don’t give him any ideas, Mallory,” Alvin jokes.


“About time.” Jacob tugs on his frilly white sleeves and readjusts his shiny, metallic-blue lamé jacket. “We’re going to be late.”

Chaser climbs into the limo behind me and immediately starts laughing when his gaze lands on Jacob’s outfit.

“What look were you trying to achieve?” Alvin flicks his fingers against Jacob’s shoulder. “Glamorous pirate? Prince Charming meets Optimus Prime? What’s happening here?”

Garrett snaps his fingers. “The love child of Rainbow Bright and the Village People?”

My gaze drops to Jacob’s leather pants and royal blue cowboy boots. “Space Cowboy?” I blurt out.

Chaser chokes on his laughter.

Ignoring the guys, Jacob slides his gaze over my dress. “What look were you going for, Mallory? Cotton Candy Barbie?”

I lift my chin and run my hands over my hips. “Yes, actually.”

That seems to break the budding tension. Jacob

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