Wheels of Fire - Autumn Jones Lake Page 0,103

for a second, picturing Mallory. How disappointed she’d be if she knew where I was right now and what I was contemplating.

She never has to know.

Sure, after all the stuff we’ve been through, doing some blow behind her back seems totally reasonable.

Fuck this.

I turn away and slide open the door to the balcony. The cool air brushes over my skin and I finally take a breath.


“What?” I snap, turning around to face an about-to-piss-himself Brian.

“Here.” He hands me a folded piece of paper. “It was some chick named Pamela? Sounded important.”

Fuck that. I’m not letting that crazy bitch suck me into her drama vortex again. I fell for it once and it blew up in my face.

I crumple the paper in my hand, then pause. Pamela and Mallory were working together today. What if something happened to Mallory?

The paper crinkles as I unfold it. Cedar Hospital.

“What the fuck is this?”

Brian shrugs. “I couldn’t understand her over all the noise. She said she was headed to Cedar Hospital? Or see the hospital? I don’t know.”

“Did she say why? Or leave a fucking phone number?”

“No, man.” He holds up his hands and slowly backs away.

“Motherfucker.” I stare at the note, then jam it in my pocket.

High or not, people move the fuck out of my way when I storm back into the room.

“Chaser, where are you—”

Jacob doesn’t even finish his question before I slam open the door and jog down to my own room—where I should’ve been in the first place.

Sure enough, the red message light on my phone is lit up like the devil’s own beacon of misery.

I swear to fuck if this is some stunt by Pamela to get between Mallory and me again, I’m gonna ring her skinny little neck.

I snatch up the receiver and jab the button to get my messages played back.

“Chaser, shit, where are you?” Pamela’s anxious voice rips me in two. “Something happened with Mallory on the set. She…passed out. They took her to Cedar Hill Hospital. I know you’re on tour but if you—”

I slam the phone down before the message finishes.

Bag. Throw in some clothes. Wallet. Got some cash. Good, I’ll need it. Credit card. Need that too.

I’ll try calling the hospital from the airport.

In the hallway, I run into Alvin and a tall, leggy redhead I vaguely remember from last night’s show.

He stops and stares at my bag. “Where are you going?”

“Home. Something happened. Mallory’s in the hospital? I don’t know.”

“Fuck.” He drops the redhead’s hand. “You need me to go with you?”

“No.” I glance back at my room, then hand him the key. “Will you pack up the rest of my shit and throw it on the bus for me, though? I’ll meet you guys at the next—”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of everything.”

I slap him on the shoulder and he pulls me in for a quick hug. “Call and let me know if she’s okay,” he says, pulling back.

“Thank you.”

Should I let Thom or the other guys know I’m leaving the tour? Maybe. But there’s time for that later. Right now, I need to find out what’s going on with my girl.

Chapter Fifty-One


I could’ve rented a car and driven to L.A. faster.

My flight finally lands and I fight my way off the plane. Thankfully, I find a taxi to take me straight to the hospital.

Outside, I find Pamela. She jumps up off the bench she’d been sitting on and runs over. “I’m so glad you’re finally here!”

I grab her shoulders and hold her at arm’s length. “What the fuck happened?”

“I don’t know. She didn’t feel well this morning. Said it was her period but she was bleeding heavily and she…passed out.”

“Jesus. Is she okay?”

She bites her lip and whispers, “I think she had a miscarriage, Chaser.”

The word slaps me in the face. “Where is she?”

“They won’t tell me anything but you’re her emergency contact, so they should talk to you.”

Panic, frustration, and rage, all follow me inside. Pamela directs me to the front desk where I’m given Mallory’s room number.

“Thank you.” I don’t even say anything to Pamela before running down the unfamiliar hallways.

Finally, I spot my girl in a darkened room all by herself.

“Mallory. Thank fuck,” I mutter. My feet pound so hard over the hospital tiles, they can probably hear me in the basement.

Her eyes widen and she tries to sit up, then winces.

“Baby, what happened?”

“Chaser.” The raw devastation on her face cuts me deep. Tears run down her cheeks as she reaches for me. She

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