Wheels of Fire - Autumn Jones Lake Page 0,101

shorts down, yank her to the edge of the table and thrust inside her. “Time to come on my cock, little dove. And I’m not going to last long, so I’d hurry if I were you.”

She slowly opens her eyes only to narrow them. “So ambitious this morning.”

“You calling me a slacker?” I drive into her again.

She laughs softly and reaches up to trace her fingers over my chest. “That’s one thing I’d never call you.” Her eyes roll back. “Oh, God. Right there, Chaser.”

“That’s better.” I slide out, inch by inch, then rock back inside. “Fuck.”

I rub circles over her clit and her body trembles.

“Oh,” she chants over and over, chasing her bliss.

I’m right there with her. White-hot satisfaction practically blinds me. The orgasm seizes my body. How can every time be better than the last?

I’m still groaning in pleasure when she pulls me down for soft, sweet kisses.

“I love making you come,” I murmur against her lips.

“I love when you make me come,” she whispers. “And I love watching you.” She slides one finger between my eyebrows and down my nose. “You concentrate so hard. It’s sexy. Just like when you’re on stage, except this performance is all mine.”

I frown down at her. “I make my orgasm face on stage?”

She jiggles with laughter. “No.”

I groan as I stand and pull her up with me. “Come on. Let’s clean up. I’ll reheat breakfast, then we’re going back to bed to do this again.”

Chapter Forty-Nine


Our ten-day rule hasn’t been easy to stick to. Not with Chaser on tour. Between Shallow End and a few other projects, most of the time, I’m working six days a week. So I can’t hold up my end of the bargain as easily.

I’m sitting in my car, flipping through my calendar, searching for a free day this month or even the next, when pain spears my lower back, stealing my breath.

I scoot forward, resting my head on the steering wheel and clutch the spot, rubbing as if it will help slow down the intensity.

I’m going to be late if I don’t get moving.

Finally, the spasm ebbs but only for a second. My jaw locks as a vicious cramp ripples through my front. I don’t need this today.

I frantically flip through my little calendar. My period isn’t due for a week.

I flip back to the previous month. Huh.

Another cramp brings on a wave of nausea and I close the book.

Please go away. This isn’t something I relish discussing with the wardrobe department. I dig through my purse and pop a few tablets of Advil, hoping they’ll do the trick.

The pain finally subsides enough that I step out of the car. My legs wobble and I rest my butt against the door, closing my eyes and soaking in the sunshine.

“You look like shit, Mallory. What’s wrong?” Pamela says as soon as she sees me.

“Good morning to you too.”

“Sorry. Seriously, though. Are you okay?”

I’m surprised she cares. We haven’t spoken much since the weekend she tried to cause trouble. I didn’t want to let her know how much pain and chaos her phone call caused. And hell will freeze over before I tell her about Andrew’s ‘let’s fuck’ offer. Still, with the way we’ve avoided each other, even though we work so closely together, she must have an inkling something happened between the three of us.

“Why do you care?”

Her full lips twitch into a pout. “I’m sorry, okay?” She blows out a frustrated breath. “When things ended so badly with Andrew, it really hurt.” She spears me with a pointed look. “I know you know I called Chaser and told him you were running around with Andrew.”

“Which I wasn’t, by the way.”

She sighs. “I don’t care who Andrew dates but for some reason the thought of you and him…bugged me. And that he would ask you to model his stupid shirts after I helped him with those designs really pisses me off.”

“But I’m engaged to Chaser. I have no interest in Andrew. Never have.”

“I know that now.” She clasps her hands together. “Forgive me. Please?”

It will sure make life on set easier if we get along. “I’m sorry I ever agreed to model anything for him.” I regret it for lots of reasons but if I really want to be friends with Pamela, favors for her ex isn’t the way.

“Pshh.” She waves off my apology. “I know you’re still going to hang out with him because of Chaser.”

I highly doubt that. Chaser still hasn’t spoken to Andrew as

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