Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,61

legs in one, huge droplet.

“Fuck!” I couldn’t help the curse that came from my lips, my hands moving down toward my waist. “Go get Aldvirion!”

“What about Wexxon? Shouldn’t he be the first to know—”

“Aldvirion first!” I replied. “Go! Go! Go!”

Palqeet nodded before she ran out of the library, moving so fast the pages in the book that she’d been reading flipped to a close.


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I was about to have a baby. I was about to be someone’s mom.

I tried to calm myself, even as I felt my son slightly shifting around inside me, seemingly just as ready to come out of me as my body was to let him go. I then forced myself to take deep breath after deep breath, all the while reminding myself that I’d been preparing for this for months and Aldvirion, despite his attitude, was one of the best doctors on Xelxar.

I was in good hands medically and emotionally, which meant that my odds at a successful delivery were through the roof.

And yet, despite such a comforting statistic, it still felt like I was on the verge of having a pre-baby breakdown.

By the time that I’d woken up, the sky had turned from morning to night. I’d been warned ahead of time that there was a high chance that I wouldn’t be able to give birth to the child naturally, especially if they were going to be the same size as an average Xelxar child when they were born.

And it looked like Aldvirion had been right about my son resembling Wexxon more than he resembled me, the size of him requiring me to be knocked unconscious for a C-section.

Sector C.

The similarities weren’t lost on me, although I didn’t feel a great desire to voice my thoughts on the matter. I’d been doing a much better job lately on enjoying the happiness I felt as a wife and a mother, realizing long ago that I was never going to be happy, at all, if I’d insisted on mourning the memories of a life that’d never made me that happy to begin with.

And now, as I continued to blink myself awake, I spotted my husband sitting beside the bed, his eyes trained right on mine. I offered him a small smile before I leaned back against the bedsheets, sleep pulling me underneath for a second time. In fact, it took a few times of me waking up for the consciousness to take, the night sky now switched back to its morning brightness.

“Are you awake now, my love?” Wexxon’s voice was low and comforting as he stood over my frame. “Aldvirion said you should be returning to your usual wakefulness.”

“…I think I am,” I murmured as I stared up at him. I then noticed a small bundle of blankets in his arms, bright purple limbs sticking out from between the folds of fabric. A second or two later, I heard the bundle emit a low cry, my son’s hands reaching up toward Wexxon’s face.

“…Rexxon?” I’d decided on my son’s name before I’d been put under for the surgery. I knew that Wexxon would’ve appreciated a way to honor his late brother, but I also wanted to honor Wexxon, too, the great warrior that I’d fallen in love with.

I reached for my son as I called for him again. “It’s okay, my little Rexxon. Your mommy’s here.”

Wexxon then carefully shifted the child into my arms, a bright smile growing across his face. “He’s perfect, just like his mother. He has your eyes.”

Rexxon cooed almost as soon as he was in my grip, his small features lighting up with a delighted expression. And as I gently rocked him back and forth, I couldn’t say if I’d ever felt more at peace than with my son in my arms, than with my husband standing at our side and watching over his family.

And as I pulled my son even closer to my chest, I secretly hoped that this moment would never, ever end.

One Year Later

“Is this an appropriate outfit to wear to a wedding?” I asked as I sorted through the beauty parlor’s closet. “I don’t know everything about Xelxar customs just yet, but wearing a glittering dress feels like I’d be taking attention away from the bride.”

“Nothing in that closet is going to take away from Palqeet on her wedding day.” Wexxon seemed to chuckle at the suggestion. “Trust me. I’m sure she spared no expense to be as bright as the stars.”

“Can you believe she’s getting married, though?” I

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