Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,5

of town had prepared me for the kind of asshole who might follow a girl while she walked home alone, or the kind of asshole who might come across a girl on an alien beach and try to stab her to death without any warning.

And then, just as the alien managed to slide the sword free of the sand below, I aimed my mace right at his stupid, alien face, letting the spray fly free as I hoped against all hope that he someone wasn’t resistant to its burning effects. A second or two later, I realized that he was just as susceptible to the effects of the mace as any creep would’ve been on Earth, his purple hands moving up toward his eyes, trying to rub the mace away.

But as yet another moment passed, as the alien soon moved his hands away from his eyes, I let out another horrified scream, the sound ripping right through my chest.

His eyes were gone.

They’d melted into his head. And the longer I stared at him, the more I realized that the rest of his face was melting, too, sliding down his skin until there was nothing left but blood that seemed to run blue and the remnants of his skull and brain.

“Holy shit! What the fuck!” I was crying as I watched the bastard melt right in front of me, tears streaming down my face that I could barely understand. “I’m sorry! I never meant to—What the fuck? Why the fuck is this happening to me?”

As I wept for the life that I’d accidentally took, I felt someone’s arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me away from the dead alien, pulling me across the sand, my feet easily sliding across its green hue.

“Please help me wake up. All I want is to wake up…” I murmured, half-dazed, as another sob caught in my chest. “Please. Fuck. This can’t be real. I can’t be here.”

“But you are here.” A voice I recognized as male replied to my plea, his arms still firmly wrapped around my waist. “Tell me. What kind of warrior wins a battle and then cries?”

“…Battle?” I shook my head in confusion. “What the fuck are you talking about? That wasn’t a battle. I was just—”

“You slayed Radpor.” The stranger scoffed. “One of our greatest warriors. And now, you pretend as if it was a mistake?”

“I didn’t even know who Radpor was—”

“He was my next challenge for the arena,” the stranger interrupted my response. “I’d been stalking him for some time, and I was going to challenge him to an official battle for glory. But it appears you beat me to it.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I started weeping even harder, my head aching with an utter inability to understand. “I wasn’t trying to battle anyone. I was just…all I want is to go home. Please. Just let me go home.”

“Of course you’ll be allowed to go home. That is, after all, the Xelxar code of combat. We’re not barbarians. We don’t keep slaves,” the stranger explained. “If you happen to win against me in the arena, you’ll be free to bring your glory back home with you.”

“…Win against you in the arena?”

“Must I remind you again that you’ve slayed Radpor?” the stranger replied. “You’ve killed my opponent for the arena tomorrow, thereby earning the right to take his place. Is that not what you wanted, brave warrior? To fight against me? To fight against the best?”

“No!” I yelled my response as more tears streamed down my face, as I sank my feet into the sand below, stopping the stranger in his tracks. “No, I don’t want to fight you! I don’t want to fight anyone! I just want to go home—”

I felt the stranger let me go, my body falling toward the sand, crashing against its surface. And then I brought myself up on my elbows, turning around so that I could face the stranger, expecting just as much horror as when I got a glimpse at his dead alien friend.

But this time, there was no horror involved. He looked a lot like Radpor, sure, but there was something so different about him. For one, he was a lot bigger, his chest and arms composed of nothing but muscles and scarred skin. There was something a lot softer about his gaze, too, something that made me wonder if he’d be less likely to try and stab me to death without a proper explanation.

I couldn’t pinpoint why, exactly, but

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