Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,48

about Wexxon, either, because if you did, you wouldn’t have touched me. You wouldn’t have laid a finger on me, no matter how much Reddin begged you to.”

“Are you threatening us from your place in a cage?”

“It’s not a threat. It’s a promise,” I snarled now, too. “Wexxon may have shown Reddin mercy, but what makes you think he’ll treat you the same? You’ve kidnapped his mate. You’ve held me hostage. And you’ve wished death on our child.”

I then let out a crazed laugh as I sank further back into my temporary cell. “God. Why am I even wasting this conversation on you two? You’re already as good as dead.”

“She’s bluffing,” the second guard murmured, even as his eyes went wide with what looked a lot like fear.

“He’s here!” There was another warrior’s voice, suddenly bellowing into the small room. “Wexxon is here! He has come for his bride! He has come for us all!”

I let out another wild laugh as I looked back at the warrior-guards. In that same moment, the first guard handed me a large golden ring through the black, shimmering bars, the same kind of ring that he’d used to secure me in the cage when I’d first been locked in.

“You will tell your husband that we did you this kindness!” he hissed at me again before he disappeared down a dark hall, the second guard soon following right behind him.

And once they were completely out of the room, I rose to my feet, now holding the golden ring against the bars. I’d watched when the guards had first locked me inside, noticing the way the bars reacted to the ring, melting away from it. I knew that there had to have been a chemical interaction, something fascinating and scientific happening right under the surface.

But I didn’t have time to appreciate the creation. Not when I was being trapped by it.

And a few seconds later, when the bars had melted a clear path for me to fit through their frame, I cautiously walked over onto the other side of the cage.

And as soon as I was through the bars, they seemed to come right back together, once again shining and black, almost as if I’d never walked through them at all.

Reddin’s home was nothing like Wexxon’s castle.

It reminded me more of a high-tech mansion, something the billionaires back on Earth wished they could’ve lived in, with so much technological advancement it was making my head spin. Even Reddin’s windows were laced with technology, functioning as part-mirror, part-biometric scanner, reflecting my frame and heartbeat as I walked by them in the hall.

I also couldn’t help but notice the way Reddin’s floor felt underneath my feet. It was as if the ground was perfectly level, a sensation that made me feel like I was in perfect balance with everything else, like I would’ve been able to spin like a ballerina without any issue at all. And while I despised everything that I knew about Reddin so far, as I continued to make my way through his home, there was something bright beginning to shine at the back of my mind.


If there was someone as advanced as Reddin living on Xelxar, maybe there was a way for me to get back home, too. Or at least, if I could never get back to Earth, there may have been a way for me to communicate, for me to tell people what’d happened to me, why I’d disappeared on the first day of my internship.

“…Rachel Waters.” Grindeem’s voice was warm as it floated over to where I stood in the hall.

“…Grindeem?” I was puzzled by his appearance in Reddin’s home, although I was grateful for it, too. “Are you with Wexxon? Has he sent you here to take me home?”

“No.” Grindeem offered me a small smile. “I was not sent here by Wexxon. Although, I do believe that would’ve been preferable.”

“Preferable to what—Grindeem!” I shouted as I watched him fall to his knees, gasping for air as he held a hand across his chest. I then raced over to his frame, my eyes searching for any sign of pain or discomfort.

And that was when I noticed the small blade sticking out of his back, only the hilt visible, the rest of the weapon buried into his skin.

“Grindeem….” My voice was low as I held him close, pulling him toward me as blood began to spread across his back. “Who did this to you? Who would ever do this to you?”

“He wanted

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