Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,44

away from my neck. “It seems you still know how to feel proper pain after all. That is good. That is very good.”

“…Reddin?” I guessed the stranger’s name as I stared up at his eyes, pain from his touch radiating all over my body. “Are you…are you Reddin? Wexxon’s brother? You…you look just like him.”

“You have me all figured out, don’t you?” Reddin grinned, but there was something demented about the expression. “Or did he tell you about me? Did he warn you away from me? Tell you to keep safe from me?”

“He didn’t.” I tried to shake my head, realizing I still couldn’t move. “He…I don’t think he wanted me to be afraid of you—”

“That was a mistake.” Reddin sighed as he interrupted my response. “Although I think he makes a game of it. Underestimating me. It’s the same reason he left me alive in the arena. He assumed that I’d never be strong enough to strike back.”

“What? That’s not why he left you alive,” I argued. “Reddin, Wexxon left you alive because he loved you. Because he didn’t want to kill his brother—”

Just then, Reddin roughly grabbed me by the jaw, forcing me to stare into his gaze.

“You don’t know him like I know him!” Reddin roared. “Your beloved Wexxon, the mighty warrior you and ten thousand other whores have let between their legs? He left me alive so that history would sing his name for as long as he lived and long after. He does not care for me! If he did, he would’ve taken my life when he had the chance—”

“You expected him to kill you?” I cut off Reddin’s rant, even though I was terrified of what he was going to do to me for interjecting. “Would you have killed him? If the roles had been reversed?”

“In a heartbeat.” Reddin’s words came out cold, his gaze still locked on mine. “Because that is what you do when you love someone. You put them out of their misery.”

“He just wanted you to live…” I whispered my response. “How can you hate him so much for wanting you to live?”

“I would save all sympathy for him, if I were you,” Reddin continued, a dark grin coming over his expression. “We’ll soon be finding out how much he cares about you, as well, and the bastard of a child you carry in his name.”

“Our child is not a bastard.” There was nothing but pure venom in my tone. “I am Wexxon’s wife.”

“Well, then, Wexxon’s wife,” Reddin started. “I hope you are prepared to watch your husband die on the arena sands. I’ll be sure to secure you a front row seat, so you can have the pleasure of watching the life leave his eyes.”

“Don’t you fucking touch him—”

“Ha! Soft thing! I now see why he picked you!” Reddin laughed, the sound easily overtaking my reply. “You are just as delusional as him. And you also struggle with knowing your place. But that is all right. I am here to remind everyone who serves Wexxon of what their place truly is.”

Reddin then motioned toward the night sky, seemingly calling out in the darkness.

But a moment or two later, it seemed like the night sky itself was falling down all around me, figures falling from the stars, warriors with bright eyes soon staring at me from above.

“Take her into the camp,” Reddin said as he nodded in my direction. “But do not touch her. Do not mark this one at all.”

“What do you want us to do with her, Reddin the Greatest?” one of the warriors asked, their eyes still locked on me.

“I want you to treat her like a treasured guest.” Reddin grinned. “At least until it’s time for her to watch the show.”

Chapter Thirteen


“Wexxon.” Aldvirion’s face was sullen as he greeted me in the hall.

“What is it, old friend?” I smiled in return, trying to cheer him up despite not knowing what’d gotten him so down to begin with. I’d been inside the training room for hours, working with warriors to pass the time, trying my best to keep my mind off Rachel and her inability to determine if she could truly ever love me. “Is it something to do with my training? Because if you tell me that I’ve been working too hard, it’ll only make me want to work that much harder—”

“She’s gone, Wexxon,” Aldvirion interrupted my reply. “Your mate is gone from the castle.”

“…What?” I could hardly believe what he was saying to me. “Aldvirion,

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