Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,41

anyone else but you?”

“You haven’t touched me in days, Wexxon,” she murmured before she broke her gaze away from mine. “And I have eyes. I can see that there are beautiful women all over this castle. I’ve passed them in the halls. There are women here who are even more beautiful than Palqeet—”

“Do not compare yourself to her,” I interrupted her response. “My Rachel, do not compare yourself to any other female in this castle. You are the only one I want.”

“…Okay.” Rachel nodded against my chest. “Okay. I believe you, Wexxon.”

“You should believe me.” My annoyance lined my tone. “I am not in the business of lying to you, am I?”

“…Can I touch you?” Rachel seemed to sidestep the question, her fingers going down toward the cloth that was wrapped around my waist. “I miss touching you, Wexxon.”

“Of course, you can touch me. You’re my mate—Rachel!” I found myself caught off guard by Rachel’s hand wrapping around my cock, her fingers trailing up and down the length of it. My member seemed to immediately throb at her touch, my body so ready to give her whatever she wanted from me in the moment.

“Rachel…” I groaned as her hand started to slide up and down my shaft. “Oh, Gods, have I missed your hands on me.”

I then reached for her wrist, preventing her from moving her hand against me any further.

“What? What is it?” Rachel murmured. “Why do you want me to stop?”

“Because there’s something I need to say to you,” I replied, with a slight smile. “Because there’s something I should’ve told you, from the first moment I felt it.”

“…What do you want to tell me, Wexxon?” Rachel seemed nervous as she drew her hand back toward her side of the bed.

And I smiled even wider, wanting to comfort her, my palm shifting down to her stomach. “I want to have your heart, Rachel. The same way I have your body. The same way you have our child.”

“…Have my heart?”

“I want you to glow the same way you do when you’re reading your books in the library,” I continued. “I want you to look at me the same way you look at Palqeet when she proves to be a good friend.”

“Wexxon…” Rachel paused for a moment as she stared over at me. “I don’t…I don’t know if I can.”

“You don’t know if you can give me your heart?”

“It’s not that I don’t want to…” Rachel started, her eyes welling up with tears as she spoke. “Wexxon, I want to give you every last part of me. But I…I can’t tell if any of it’s real.”

“What do you mean, my little warrior?”

“Is any of it real, Wexxon?” Rachel waved a hand between us. “Think about it. You were taken with me. And then, there’s all this stuff about a connection. The more I think about it, the more it just seems like basic Xelxar biology. I think our bodies just want us to be mates. I think there’s something in the air here that turns women like me into baby factories—”

Rachel took a shuddering breath before she went on. “This wasn’t going to be my life back on Earth, Wexxon. I was going to work until I was at the top of my field, and then, maybe, just maybe, I was going to settle down when I was older. But now? God, all I want to do is be your wife. All I want to do is have as many children as you want from me. All I want to do is make you happy.”

“You act as if it’s some kind of curse to want a family and a home.”

“I don’t know if you would’ve even liked me when I was on Earth,” Rachel continued, a small sniffle escaping her frame. “I wasn’t…I’m not a little warrior, Wexxon. I’m just a girl who walked into the wrong fucking room.”

“And now, you are here,” I said, resting my hands at her waist. “And now, you are mine. Or do you not believe in the concept of fate?”

“I don’t know.” Rachel faintly raised her shoulders.

“…Do you truly believe you won’t ever be able to give me your heart?”

“I don’t know the answer to that one, either,” she admitted as she shook her head. “I don’t know anything anymore, Wexxon.”


“I don’t want to talk about it,” Rachel said while moving away from me on the bedsheets. “You can go now, Wexxon.”

“My little warrior, don’t push me away—”

“Please. Go.” Rachel sniffled again as she

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