Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,38

if people saw her getting fucked at the bar? The kind of woman who was moaning, screaming a man’s name as he publicly pounded into her with abandon?

“Wexxon…” I groaned, another orgasm washing me over my frame as my hips pushed back to meet his own. “Wexxon…”

As I finished coming at the bar a second time, I felt Wexxon’s hands searching my chest, his fingertips soon finding my nipples and rolling them between his digits. I whimpered as he played with my sensitive nubs, steadily running his fingers along my chest as his cock filled me up to the brim, hitting against my G-spot with his every thrust.

But just when I was on the brink of coming for him yet again, I felt Wexxon suddenly move away from me, the motion leaving me empty and wanting. I turned around to look at him then, a sense of betrayal traveling fast through my veins, every part of me desperate for him to be inside me again.

Before I could voice my complaints, Wexxon’s mouth crashed against my own with a kiss, his hands gingerly grabbing me by the waist as he lifted me onto the counter. He then moved his palms toward my thighs, spreading my legs just enough to give him space between my waist.

And then, he was inside me again. Wexxon’s cock slammed inside me, over and over, as he looked down at me on the bar, as his hands reached underneath my thighs and kept me in place on the counter’s edge. And now, as I stared up at my warrior, at my husband, the same warmth that’d spread inside my chest and right down to my pussy had found its way between my lips, words demanding to drip right down from my tongue.

“Wexxon…” I started, my words coming out between my own moans. “I don’t think I…I’ve ever…Wexxon, I’m yours. I’m really all yours.”

“You’ve told me as much before, my little warrior,” Wexxon replied, steadily thrusting inside me. “But I don’t mind hearing it come from you again.”

“It’s different this time,” I whimpered on. “I…I don’t want to belong to anyone else. And I don’t want you to belong to anyone else, either. I want to be the only woman you touch.”

“It almost sounds like you wish to be my wife.” Wexxon lightly chuckled before he let out a deep groan.

“You’re not getting it…” My face fell, a sense of hopelessness overtaking my frame. “You don’t understand what I’m trying to say.”

“Then, make me understand, my little warrior.”

“I don’t…I don’t know if I can say it,” I replied, the words coming out slightly slurred, a sign to my own ears that I was, in fact, intoxicated. I then let out a loud laugh as I suddenly covered my hand with my mouth, amused at how close I came to drunkenly telling Wexxon that I was falling in love with him.

A moment like this made me feel like I was right back on Earth.

I softly chuckled again when I felt Wexxon’s cum spilling inside me, the room seeming like it was spinning as I closed my eyes and offered him a dizzy kiss. And when he returned my kiss, his wide tongue eagerly exploring every inch of my mouth, I realized that maybe I could stay here forever. Maybe I could give Wexxon however many children he wanted, maybe I could be the kept woman in his castle, too, for as long as we both lived.

Maybe I could make Xelxar my home.

But when I opened my eyes to look up at Wexxon again, wanting to get a glimpse at the face of the warrior I’d fallen for as I finally told him the truth of how I felt, he was nowhere to be found. I blinked, and I wasn’t sitting on the edge of the bar anymore, either. Another blink, and I realized that I was firmly seated at the bar, my head still resting against my arms. All the yellow drink’s warmth fully disappeared from my chest and from between my thighs as I rose my head away from the counter, turning to spare a look over at Wexxon.

“Did we…?” I started the question, confused about what was real and what was only in my head.

“Did we what, my little warrior?” Wexxon offered me a smile.

And I turned to look away from him, my cheeks going red with pure embarrassment. “Sorry. It’s just…this drink. It made me think that we…”

“I know exactly what a drink of clarity made

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