Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,27

expected that I would taste anything like it on Xelxar.”

“I’m glad to have satisfied you so much with just a single taste.” Wexxon grinned. “I’m sure you’re going to devour your full meal then, too, once I’m finished preparing it.”

I’d barely heard the words that’d come out of Wexxon’s mouth, my own mouth starting to water as I watched him finish cooking our dinner, as my mind ran off in about a million different directions, all at once.

Escape. Baby. Cheeseburger. Wexxon. Arena.

Escape. Escape. Escape. But baby.

But Wexxon. But arena.

But cheeseburgers.

But the rest of my life.

Chapter Seven


“I’m going to be a father, Aldvirion.” I couldn’t hide the excitement in my tone as I greeted my friend with the news the very next morning. Aldvirion had been silently sitting in the main room and seemingly staring off into space, too, his posture quite tangible to me in person, but his mind somewhere far, far away.

The surprise on Aldvirion’s face was evident as he looked over at me in response. “You’re going to be…you’ve already impregnated your mate?”


“But I thought the process often took many attempts, even in the healthiest of Xelxar females—”

“There were many attempts made,” I chuckled at my own joke. “And now, we have a child on the way.”

I then took a step closer to Aldvirion before I asked, “Please, tell me that you are happy for me, my friend? That you are just as pleased as I am with this news?”

“Wexxon.” Aldvirion’s expression was tight. “I wish to the Gods that I could be happy with you about this news, but I’m afraid I’ve just received some sour news of my own.”

“What?” I pressed. “What is it, Aldvirion? Whatever is wrong, we will take on together—”

“Your brother has found his way back into the arena,” Aldvirion continued. “But not with his own body. He’s been training warriors, keeping the operation quiet as he moved from forest to forest, from city to city. And now, one of his warriors has officially opened a challenge on you.”

“Do you think I fear this new challenger, Aldvirion?” I sneered. “Solely because he’s been trained by Reddin? There is so much more to a battle in the arena than training. You and I both know that.”

“I am not worried about your aptitude, Wexxon,” Aldvirion replied. “I am only worried that your brother may someday issue you a challenge, too.”

“I won’t accept it.”

“You’d rather insult your brother’s honor for a second time?” Aldvirion scoffed. “You’d rather throw your leadership into serious question?”

“I can’t accept his challenge, Aldvirion.” I sighed after I spoke. “I would not end my brother’s life then. And I will not end it now.”

Aldvirion looked like he was about to say something, but then he suddenly changed his mind. Instead, he rose quickly away from his seat in the main room, his next words coming out with a cautious air. “Be careful with this new challenger, Wexxon. I know that you do not fear your brother’s wrath, but I do. I fear any warrior who spends his time wounded and weary. I fear that he’ll do whatever it takes to hurt you in return.”

“He has every right to try and wound me,” I replied before I confidently clapped Aldvirion on his shoulder. “And I have every right to pay him back for the effort, blow for blow.”

“Wexxon?” Rachel’s voice was quiet, her hand squeezing tightly into my own as we made our way through the town square. “Is it going to be that much further?”

“Are you not enjoying the walk through the city, my little warrior?” I smiled over at her. “I assumed that you were going to appreciate the opportunity for fresh air outside of the castle.”

“Yes, well, all this fresh air seems to be making me nauseous.” Rachel frowned. “I think it might be a side effect of the pregnancy. I struggled to even be around Palqeet this morning. Her perfume was much too strong.”

“You will be safe from the smell of perfume once we reach the arena, my Rachel,” I replied. “You’ll also be safe from the smell of fresh air, too, since the only scents that seem to waft through the rafters are blood and sweat.”

“…Do I have to watch you fight?” Rachel murmured. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to take it, Wexxon. I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle seeing you get hurt.”

“Then it’s lucky for you, my little warrior, that I so rarely get hurt at all.” I smirked. “Trust me, my

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