Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,11

head to the side. “There are other females who live here with me, but they are not like you. They are not my wife. There are warriors who live here, too, others I feel would be useful for protection in case there is ever a time of great trouble.”

“And the other women are married to the other warriors? Or…?”

“They are all unmarried,” he answered, almost under his breath. “They are…mine.”

“What do you mean? They’re yours?” I frowned. “What? Like sex slaves?”

“I’ve already told you that Xelxar does not engage in slavery,” he growled. “We are not barbarians.”

“But if they’re not slaves, how are they yours?”

“They’ve pledged themselves to me,” he explained. “It was their choice. I assume they imagined that I would select one of them as my wife someday. And in the meantime, they rose to the occasion whenever I needed to meet my physical needs.”

“Oh my God.” I felt my stomach flop as Wexxon’s words sank all the way in. “So, what you’re saying is that there’s a castle full of females who are going to hate my guts as soon as I step inside? Just because you decided to marry me?”

“It is only envy,” he suggested. “It will pass in due time.”

“Wexxon,” I groaned as I brought my hands up toward my face. “Is this seriously how I’m going to die? A bunch of jilted alien women are going to rip me to shreds?”

“No one is going to hurt you,” he replied, his palms calmly moving my hands away from my cheeks. “You have my word, little warrior.”

“Can we just…” I pulled my hands away from his own before I started heading toward the castle. “Let’s just go inside, okay?”

“I’m grateful for your eagerness,” Wexxon said as he caught up with my stride.

“I just want to get it over with,” I admitted, taking even larger steps as I spoke. “And I want to change into something more comfortable, because I’m pretty sure if I keep this robe on for too much longer, I’m going to end up drowning in it.”

“If you ever happened to drown, I would fight the sea until she gave you back to me,” Wexxon commented, his tone casual.

And I caught myself smiling at his strange response, the way he’d just threatened to take on Mother Nature on my behalf, despite the fact that we barely knew each other. I couldn’t deny that there was something slightly charming about Wexxon, even though I had zero intention of sticking around to figure out exactly what made him so different from the other aliens that seemed to terrify me on sight.

Because as soon as I could, as soon as I was left alone for even one, single minute, I was going to find a way back home.

And no one, not even Wexxon, was going to be able to stop me.

“Wexxon!” An alien with fiery red eyes greeted him as we stepped inside the castle.

“Aldvirion.” Wexxon grinned in the stranger’s direction. “You’ve finally returned from your journey across the planet?”

“It was no journey. It was simply a favor.” Aldvirion waved off the description. “Although it is a favor that I should be being repaid for tonight in Furlata’s chambers.”

Aldvirion then paused for a moment, his expression turning serious. “That is, of course, if you didn’t intend her for yourself tonight, Wexxon. I would never overstep my boundaries—”

“Don’t fret, Aldvirion,” Wexxon started. “I won’t be taking any female to bed who isn’t my wife from here on out.”

“Your wife?” Aldvirion shifted his attention toward me, as if he was just noticing my existence for the first time. “You…you’ve married? And she is exotic?”

“Hi.” I awkwardly waved a hand over at Aldvirion. “I’m Rachel. Rachel Waters.”

“And where do you hail from, Rachel Waters?”

“I’m from—”

“It doesn’t matter where she hails from,” Wexxon interrupted our conversation. “She hails from me now. And I hail from her. She is mine.”

“She is yours, indeed…” Aldvirion’s words trailed off as he mused. “So, shall I alert the rest of the castle? Or would you prefer for it to remain a secret for the night? Before the consummation?”

“It doesn’t matter whether you alert the castle or not,” Wexxon replied. “The circumstances are not going to change.”

“…Then, I choose to alert the castle.” Aldvirion grinned. “You know how poorly the people of Xelxar deal with surprises, and there will be nothing more surprising than our greatest warrior returning from his daily travels with a wife at his side.”

Aldvirion then nodded over toward me before he spoke.

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