The Werewolf Nanny - Amanda Milo Page 0,51

Heck, I could use Deek’s salad bowl right about now, and I’ve never been carsick in my life.

Finn drives like a maniac.

However, he turned what’s usually a ten-minute trip across town into a five-minute trip, and we didn’t die, so I’m not going to complain. Not today.

My door is open before the engine is off, and Finn’s is closing a beat after mine. Together, we hurry for the school, although Finn’s stride looks more confident and less worried. In fact, the closer we get to the elementary school doors, the more outwardly relaxed he seems.

I’ve been around him long enough to know that his forehead is a little too pinched to be natural though. And his smile is nice, but it isn’t megawatt.

He’s worried.

He’s right to be.

We’re met at the door by school security and ushered into the principal's office…

Where we find a tear-streaked Maggie along with a woebegone werewolf.

Seeing us, Maggie cries, “FINN!”

I might be put out that my youngest is more relieved to see a man she barely knows before me, but these are special circumstances. And the way she’s clamped herself around Deek’s furry neck, I know they’re dire circumstances.

He’s plastered himself to the floor, with her thrown on top of him like she’s protecting him from being whipped. When Maggie shouts Finn’s name, Deek lunges up and gallops for Finn—Maggie still attached to his neck so that she’s dragged and almost riding him.

She squeals in shock but laughs, and Finn scoops her up as Deek launches for him, scrambling up Finn’s broad shoulder like he’s trying to find a safe perch there.

He manages it, but he’s absolutely huge. And even though he’s clearly scared, he’s still a wolf, and I can see from everyone’s expression in the room that they still find him scary.

Finn passes Maggie off to me and pats his wolf form-clad friend on his back. “You daft muppet.”

The principal clears her throat. Flanking her are the vice principal, the school superintendent, and the school resource officer. The last one stares at Finn draped in Deek. Worrisomely, he has his hand on the butt of his gun. The principal though may as well be aiming laser beams with her eyes. She glares between Finn and me. “Who should I address?” she asks politely enough.

Finn keeps one hand at Deek’s furry butt, bracing the clinging wolf. He raises his other from Deek’s spine and says, “Well, isn’t this a right circus?” He shakes his head at everyone like this is all being blown out of proportion. He gives a dramatic sigh and adds with a charmer of a grin, “I’m acting as official speaker for the werewolves, Ma’am. Why don’t you tell me what the situation is?” He twists at the hips, finds a chair behind himself, and sits in it, holding Deek like the monster wolf weighs no more than a pillow full of feathers.

I don’t know if there is such a thing as an official speaker for the werewolves, and if there is, if Finn can claim it. Maybe the principal doesn’t know either. She doesn’t question it. Her perfectly manicured eyebrows lift sharply. “Where do I start? Your Pack member chased down three harmless animals and murdered them in front of innocent children.”

Finn pats Deek’s shivering back and he’s immediately, believably, appalled. “Oi!” He pauses. “No kiddies were harmed, right?” When she only stiffly tips her head, he waves his hand in the air animatedly. “Look. You’re using the word ‘harmless’ for chipmunks? Have you met chipmunks before? They’re the greediest little bast—” He catches himself. “Bamsticks, and they’re destructive. Why,” Finn throws out his arm, making his balance shift and therefore making Deek whimper and dig his huge clawed paws deeper into Finn’s shoulder. Finn either doesn’t notice or does an excellent job of showing that he doesn’t care. His focus is for the unimpressed people in the room. “They’ve probably built a city of tunnels under this school! Is this building structurally sound enough to withstand chipmunk damage?” he asks with admirable seriousness. To Deek, he murmurs, “You caught three, eh? Well done, lad.”

“Mr…” the principal begins.

Finn stands, hauling Deek up and around his neck so that he’s wearing him like a live, massive wolf stole. “I apologize for my bad manners. I’m Finn Cauley. And this,” he pats Deek’s hip, “is Lucan. He’s the best bloke. Nice to meet you.”

He gives the principal his most powerful smile. He sends it around the room at the other school officials, trying Copyright 2016 - 2024