The Werewolf Nanny - Amanda Milo Page 0,125

to get chilled while he’s in wolf form, the blanket is good for that too. Otherwise he’s small enough he can ride with me in my sweater. An activity he loves.

I do too. There’s a sweet sort of bonding when you carry your furry son tucked over your heart, the snow melting off his fur and freezing parts of your chest.

“You bet Shane can go,” I tell her, moving to join her and Finn. “This is a beautiful day for his first sleigh ride.”

Charlotte glances at us, but her eyes go back to Ginny. And Ginny, instead of joining us, moves past me to stand with Susan and Brooke. “We could ride with you guys… if that’s okay.”

Brooke swallows, meeting Ginny’s eyes, hers turning glassy, but she blinks away actual tears. “I’d love that.”

Ginny nods. “Okay.” She looks down at herself. “Should we change, or—”

Susan smiles. “You don’t have to, but remember, you’ll never get the horsehair out of those leggings.” She gestures to herself, similarly attired in a sweater dress. “I put on jeans. I figured I’d just shove my sweater up so I’m not sitting on it.”

“Hang on. Removing horsehair is a nightmare,” I say, testing the pun—then chuckle.

Finn laughs with me, but the girls all groan. Shane wags his tail, unaware of the context but able to pick up on the fact that we’re happy.

Charlotte raises her hand like she’s in class. “I’m going to change into jeans and a regular sweater. An old one that I won’t regret if it smells like horse. Give me five minutes.”

Maggie stares at her sister’s retreating back like she doesn’t know who she is. “You don’t like how horses smell?”

Ginny winces. “It’s a good smell, Maggie, but you don’t necessarily want your whole wardrobe to smell horsey. On that note, I’ll be right back. I’m gonna quick make a costume change too.”

Maggie is aghast. “I do want my whole wardrobe to smell like a horse.” She turns a direct look on me—so direct, I have to drop my gaze.

This is a recent development with her. One I don’t regret. It means she’s growing up, taking her place in the hierarchy, even if she is human.

“I’m wearing these clothes,” she declares.

“That’s fine,” I agree. “Your mom gave permission and I don’t care. I like the smell of horses too.”

“Let’s roll out then,” Finn says. He snaps a wave at Susan and Brooke. “My love will be joining you shortly. You birds enjoy your trail ride.”

“We will.”

“Thanks, Finn!”

I pass him Shane’s blanket, move to Susan, and take her face in my hand. “Ride safe,” I murmur. “Have a good time.” I kiss her.

She wraps her arms around my neck. “I intend to. And when we get back, your mom told me they’d watch the kids tonight, in case you and I want some alone time.”

Putting my mouth back on hers, purring with pleasure against her lips, I grip her hip. “I’d like that.” I kiss her gently, then pull away. Not enough to leave her arms, but enough so that our faces aren’t in easy kissing range. It’s a dangerous proximity for us when there’s people around. “I need to tell my parents that I love them.”

Susan squeezes my butt, yet manages to maintain a serene, relatively innocent smile. It’s kind of impressive, because I know she knows how much I’m starting to consider the merits of hauling her away to somewhere—anywhere—private. We just need a few minutes. “They earn the second topmost spot for my favorite babysitters ever.”

“Oh yeah?” I say to her, sliding my hand into her hair, my gaze rising from her lips and moving straight to her eyes. “Who’s your first?”

“You,” she whispers, smiling. “I love you, Lucan.”

“And I love you,” I tell her, staring into her beautiful eyes.

She smiles. “So. Was that my yellow tea rose that you let our son eat?”

I look her right in the eye. “Finn is my whipping boy. I think you should switch him with what’s left of the rosebush.”

Susan tucks her face into my neck and laughs, her arms hugging me tightly. Just as tightly as my arms, now wrapped around her, hug her back. “If your dad is sure this punishment system works…”

“A tried and true method,” I assure her, smiling into her hair.

“You two have weird foreplay,” Finn observes.

“Well,” Susan says, pulling back from me enough to look over her shoulder at him. “You’d know. I hear you guys are the king and queen of foreplay, now that you Copyright 2016 - 2024