The Werewolf Nanny - Amanda Milo Page 0,101

to… consummating now?”

I get the term ravish in a way I never have before. How it can be applied in an adoringly hungry way. At the moment, I feel like it's all I can do not to shove Deek into a chair, climb into his lap, and ravish the heck out of him.

His body shoots through with even more tension. He turns his head just far enough to eye my throat, looking reluctant to answer me, owing to a deep sense of caution, no doubt. “A mating ceremony, held before the pack—a marriage, essentially—always came first when I imagined consummation with you. But…” He faces forward again, straightening his shoulders. “I trust you, Susan.”

I feel myself go a little melty that I’m not the one vulnerable in this. We both are. Lucan is taking the idea of this as serious as I could ever want him to.

I finish my revolution around him, stopping in front of him. “And I trust you.”

He dives for me—shocking the absolute crap out of me.

I make a high pitched, startled noise. He catches me up in his arms, bumping our noses inelegantly—but his suddenly starved kiss isn’t unwelcome. Neither are his adoringly roving hands. He lets them roam to the point that my thigh is trying to climb up his, before he slides his big hands to my elbows, cupping them, catching them, holding me fast.

He pulls back, tremendous tension marring his brow, making him look even sexier. “I don’t know what to do, Susan.” He looks almost apologetic. His eyes dart over my face. “But if you tell me, I’ll listen.”

I smile to let him know he has nothing to feel regret for. “Your ability to listen is one of your best qualities. So is your willingness to take orders.” I let my gaze scan over him, so openly suggestive that his frame stiffens. “Get undressed.”

As a man who strips frequently to Change forms, he’s an expert at ripping his clothing off. In the time it normally takes me just to top off my mug of morning coffee, he’s standing before me, completely naked.

“I’m impressed,” I tell him.

He glances down at his already swollen shaft. “Thanks.”

I laugh.

His lips quirk, and his eyes raise to the level of mine, gazing at me expectantly. “Your turn, Susan.”

I stop laughing.

He’s on me in an instant, eager hands, rugged and strong, helping me pull my tunic over my head.

My leggings quickly follow, making the slide down my legs before my shoes and socks. Of course this results in that super awkward dance where your naked thighs, knees, and calves slide past one another as you jerk and kick your feet which are stuck together and gargantuan on account of your leggings being wrapped around your shoes and still clogged with your socks.

Not content to let me struggle alone, Lucan drops down to help free me, and when I risk an embarrassed glance at him, I catch his eyes glued not on my feet as his hands work my clothing, but aimed higher—smack at the apex of my thighs. He jerks his gaze away like he’s been scolded when he realizes I’m watching him. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine,” I tell him, my face hot, but my body feeling amazing. With him so pointedly not looking at me, I feel comfortable looking at his lap—and it’s obvious that he likes what he’s seen.

Likes it a lot.

Still, I feel like an idiot trapped in my clothes. “Hang on, I think the only way I’m getting free is if we pull these back up.”

“Affirmative. Can’t even get to your shoelaces to pop you free that way.”

Smiling, I bend down and peel my leggings over and off of the toes of my shoes, and as I do, Lucan helpfully hooks his fingers into the heel of my sneaker, then catches one of my hands to plant it on his shoulder as support, and tugs my shoe off.

“This is not like the movies,” he shares conversationally.

“Oh, it never is,” I assure him.

Then I’m standing bare before him, as naked as he is, with his focus zeroed in on my pubic area like he’s going to die if he doesn’t get to touch it soon.

It makes me feel good.

My heart slams hard, probably seconds from pounding its way out of my ribs. And Lucan can hear it—I know because he cocks his head, his eyes sliding to the left side of my chest. His gaze raises to mine, vulnerable and sweet and understanding and desirous all at Copyright 2016 - 2024