The Werewolf Dates The Deputy - Kristen Painter Page 0,89

Think about that. What would your life be like if touching something too much caused it to die?”

He grimaced. “I see your point. And the second thing?”

“The biggest drawback, for them, is they can be killed. Yes, they’re already dead, but in that form, a second death is a final one. A blade through the heart and the wraith’s soul can finally be transported to its final resting place.”

“You did that in the circle.”

“I did, but he wasn’t solid. Not fully. More like a hard candy shell with a soft nougat center.”

“Okay, that’s a little gross. But I get it. She kept him from reaching that stage to protect him from being killed.”

Jenna nodded. “It was smart. Or maybe ‘diabolical’ is a better word. But now that her magic has been nullified, he could reach that stage on his own. No clue how long it might take him. Or if he’s lost his way without her.”

Titus sat back. “I’d like to know for sure. I don’t want to have to worry about him wreaking havoc in this town. Or coming after you.”

“I understand. I don’t like the idea either. But I think we’ll know soon enough, because if he’s at that point, he’s not going to sit idle. He can’t get his full life back without the resurrection stone from my sword. Trust me, he’ll make his presence known.”

Titus’s gaze shifted past her to the far end of the deck. “I think he just has.”

Jenna followed Titus’s line of sight.

The wraith stood at the end of the deck, just a shadow creature at the moment, but fast becoming solid before their eyes.

Her worst fear realized.

Every fiber of Jenna’s being went on battle-ready alert. She jumped out of the tub, flinging water everywhere. She landed on the deck between the tub and Leif. “You don’t belong here, wraith. Not at this house, not on this plane.”

“You took my wife.” He was fully corporeal now and every inch the berserker, except for those glowing ember eyes. “I want her back.”

Jenna had no doubt he was solid through and through without Sola’s magic to protect him. This was going to be a test of skills like she’d never encountered before. “Sola hurt Ingvar. And even if she didn’t do that, she still broke the vows of the seer.”

Just like he’d broken his oath as a berserker to become a traitor to their kind. He and Sola made a fine couple in that regard.

He roared at her. “She was helping me.”

“To do what? Kill me? Not a great argument.” Helgrind itched for release, but he hadn’t drawn his sword yet. She didn’t want to force that next step. Not until Titus could get to a less vulnerable spot, and from the sound of sloshing water behind her, he was moving.

“You killed me.” Leif’s eyes beamed as he held his hand out. “Give me your sword, and I’ll let you live.”

They both knew that was a lie.

She shook her head. “You know how this is going to end, Leif.”

He smiled, a gruesome sight. “Yes, valkyrie. I do.”

Titus growled softly, but it seemed to have no effect on Leif. “Jenna,” he said quietly. “Should I shift?”

“I don’t think it’ll make a difference now. He’s too far gone.” As she spoke, Leif reached back and pulled out Kirsgut. The mammoth weapon gleamed in the light spilling out of the house. She went for hers at the same time, freeing Helgrind with the sweet, metallic bladesong that had so often announced Jenna’s foray into battle.

“I’ll call for help,” Titus said.

“You can,” she answered. “But I don’t intend for this to last that long.” She whipped Helgrind around her body. She was vaguely aware of the sliders being opened and Titus going inside. “This is your final chance to leave, berserker. Accept your fate and take your place in the underworld.”

“Never,” he snarled.

She didn’t wait another second. She swung her sword to drive him back. He counterattacked, their blades meeting in a clash of metal that sent tremors down her arms and into her bones.

The beeps of Titus’s phone as he called for backup barely registered. She was focused on putting an end to Leif.

They fought on, sparks flying when their blades met, sweat trickling down her back and mingling with the water from the hot tub.

Leif’s sword was bigger and heavier, but she wielded Helgrind like it was an extension of herself. She caught him across the thigh. Just a slice, but enough to make him rage harder Copyright 2016 - 2024