The Werewolf Dates The Deputy - Kristen Painter Page 0,85

Alice had done her homework.

Women stood shoulder to shoulder around the walls. Titus knew many of them. Corette Williams and her other two daughters, Marigold and Charisma. Agnes from the bookstore. Dominique, who was also on the town council.

He nodded at them, hoping they knew how much he appreciated what they were doing for him and Jenna.

Alice lit the single candle at the head of the table. “Let us begin.”

She pointed to Jenna. “Deputy Blythe, please come hold your friend’s hand. I believe the connection will increase the magic’s power. Step over the circle so it remains unbroken.”

“Sure.” Jenna did as she was asked and went to Ingvar’s side. She took her hand. Ingvar was ice-cold, and this close, Jenna could see just how much of a toll Sola’s control of Ingvar’s body had taken. There were lines in her face that Jenna didn’t remember. And tiny spider veins in her cheeks. Her skin was chalky. “I’m here, Ingvar,” she whispered.

There was no response, but Jenna hadn’t expected one.

Alice spread her arms and began, but as Jenna looked into Ingvar’s face, she was lost in memories. They’d had so many good times together. Some bad ones, too, but getting through the hard moments together had only made their friendship stronger. How many times had they gone into battle together? Taken souls to Valhalla? Celebrated their victories? Cried on each other’s shoulders?

The women surrounding them joined in with Alice’s chanting, lifting their voices as one. The sound washed over Jenna, but she remained in the past.

From battle camp to the battlegrounds, she and Ingvar had been inseparable. So what had happened? Life? Was that one-word answer really enough?

No. It wasn’t. Life happened to everyone. It wasn’t an excuse.

The candle flames flickered and strengthened as the chanting increased.

Guilt settled in Jenna’s stomach like a knot. Why had she let so many years go by with so little contact? Sure, they’d both been busy. Ingvar even more than Jenna. So really, the blame was on Jenna for not reaching out. She wasn’t going to let this happen again.

“Come on, Ingvar,” she said quietly. “Come back to me.”

The moment stretched out, the chanting around her filled with positive energy and a buoyancy that Jenna recognized but just couldn’t connect to. Her heart hurt too much for her friend.

Jenna held on. Ingvar’s hand felt warmer, but maybe that was because Jenna had been holding on to it.

“I need you to come back. Vikka needs you to come back.” Jenna wasn’t sure Ingvar’s sword would respond to someone else speaking its name, but maybe it was enough to send a little bolt through her.

Anything to wake her up.

But nothing seemed to be working.

Alice sprinkled something into the flame of the candle on the table, sending sparks into the air. The sparks seemed to twist and turn before landing on Ingvar and Sola like tiny fireflies. A glow lit each woman from within, causing them to arch skyward as the light filled them.

Sola howled and fought against the magic. Ingvar looked like she was floating in a warm bath.

Then they went prone again, and the light disappeared. Jenna held her breath, waiting…waiting…

Ingvar’s mouth opened, and she gasped for air. She blinked without any obvious focus.

Jenna leaned down. “Ingvar? Can you hear me?”

The seer’s gaze settled on Jenna. She calmed and took a few more breaths. “Jenna?”

Jenna nodded, smiling. “You’re back. How do you feel?”

Ingvar exhaled. Already, her coloring seemed better. “Tired. And angry. Sola…Sola cast a spell…took control of me…”

Jenna squeezed Ingvar’s hand. “We know. It’s all over now.”

Beside her, Sola squirmed and twitched like she’d been struck with a live wire.

Alice stepped back from the table. Her shoulders dropped. “It’s finished. Well done, my sisters. Well done.” Her eyes fixed on Sola, who was still writhing in protest. “Now, we just need to collect the offender’s blood.”

Ingvar nodded. “Good,” she whispered. Then her eyes rolled back in her head, and she passed out.

The next minutes passed in a blur of activity. Jenna was clearly thrilled to have Ingvar back, but it was obvious she needed medical attention. And soon. But neither she nor Titus could leave until their spells were removed. The full moon was fast approaching.

Pandora, along with her mom and sisters, jumped in to help. They rushed Ingvar to the hospital. Alice, having already taken what she needed of Sola’s blood, went to work finishing the spell that would free Jenna and Titus.

The rest of the coven quickly returned Alice’s practice to its usual Copyright 2016 - 2024