The Werewolf Dates The Deputy - Kristen Painter Page 0,72

It was hard not to when she was being this sweet. And he was madly in love with her, a truth that couldn’t be denied. “That’s very kind, and I appreciate it, but the full moon is coming. We’re running out of time.” Although he was starting to care less about being permanently bonded to her. Yes, it would make their lives harder, but at the same time, this incredible woman would always be with him.

If that wasn’t a win, winning no longer existed.

“I know, Titus. But I can work on things from here. It’s not like I’m going to be sitting around idle.”

“It won’t be the same. You’ll be hampered. Speaking of…” He glanced at the IV in his arm. “This seems unnecessary.”

Birdie clucked her tongue. “No, it isn’t. It’s speeding up the detox process. You remember when Ivy had the incident with wolfsbane? Being in the hospital made all the difference.”

“But she ingested it. I was only exposed to it.”

The look Birdie gave him said that made no difference. “And for all we know, your exposure was worse.”

She was a stubborn old woman, but he knew she had his best interests at heart. “Aunt Birdie, I’m not asking to go to the firehouse. Just home. It would be easier for Jenna to get things done from there. Please, get the doctor. I want to be discharged.”

Birdie looked at Jenna. The nerve. Like Jenna was in charge of his recovery. He was a grown man, fully capable of—a wave of nausea and weakness came over him. He suddenly exhaled, hard, like he’d taken a hard punch to the gut.

Jenna’s eyes narrowed. “Are you okay? You’re white as a sheet.” She put her hand on his head. “I think your fever is spiking.”

She nodded at Birdie. “We definitely need the doctor.”

“I’ll get him.” Birdie ran out the door.

Jenna bent and kissed his forehead, then pressed her cheek to his. “It’s going to be okay. You’re going to get through this. You have to. I need you.”

He put his hand on the back of her neck and turned to kiss her cheek. “I need you, too, Jenna. Thank you for being here with me. I know you don’t have a choice, but…”

She pulled back a little so he could see her face. “There’s nowhere in the world I’d rather be than with you. Although there are other locations I’d prefer.”

“Me too.” He smiled up at his beautiful valkyrie.

Birdie returned with Dr. Navarro. “Chief Merrow, how are you feeling?”

“A little nauseous. And warm.”

Dr. Navarro scanned Titus’s forehead with the infrared thermometer. He checked the readout and nodded. “One-oh-three. I’ll have a nurse give you something for the nausea. The best prescription I can give you right now is rest. Sleep will make this easier.”

“I can sleep at home. I’d like to be discharged.” But he already knew the answer.

Dr. Navarro shook his head. “I’m not discharging you until your fever’s gone.”

Titus sighed. “Understood.”

With a nod, Dr. Navarro left.

Titus growled softly. “I hate this.”

“I know, honey.” Birdie patted his leg. “We’ll just set up a command center here.”

“Doesn’t Hank need you at the department?”

“Yes, and that’s where I’ll be. But not until I bring Jenna a laptop she can work on.”

“Thank you,” Jenna said.

Birdie nodded. “What else do you need?”

“Laptop and charger. Pen and paper. Phone charger wouldn’t hurt either.” She tapped her fingers on the bed. “I’m sure I’m forgetting something.”

“Breakfast, anyone?” Bridget walked in, carrying a shopping bag from Mummy’s Diner in one hand and a drink tray in the other.

“Doesn’t that smell good?” A nurse came in behind her with a syringe.

“No,” Titus groused. Not only was he burning up, but feeling like he might barf at any moment was making him grouchy.

The nurse went right to Titus’s IV line and injected the solution into the port. “This should help with the nausea.”

“Oh, sorry,” Bridget said. “Are you sick to your stomach, Titus?”

“A little.”

Bridget’s brows went up. “Just a little? Because you sound ready to snap. You want me to take this food out?”

He took a breath and tried to exhale some of his bad mood. “No, Jenna needs to eat. And I’ll feel better in a minute, right?” He looked at the nurse.

She nodded. “You should, yes. Need anything else?”

“No, thanks.”

“Call if you do.” She left.

Bridget didn’t come any closer with the food. Thankfully. She looked at Jenna. “I’m sorry about the way I reacted in the woods, Jenna. I was mad that Titus got hurt, but that wasn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024