The Werewolf Dates The Deputy - Kristen Painter Page 0,66

furrowed. “It’s just the water. I think.”

“I don’t know.”

The low, gravelly rumble grew louder and more distinct.

He shook his head. “That’s not the water.”

They turned to look behind them in time to see the wraith emerge from the trees.

Titus’s first instinct was to snarl back and send the foul creature running, but he had to keep the end game in mind, and for that, they needed the wraith to stick around. He spoke quietly, not sure how much the apparition could understand. “What do you want me to do?”

She kept her eyes on the creature. “Go down and around, back toward where Ingvar is setting up the circle, then get in your hiding spot. I’ll go back directly. You just keep your distance like Ingvar said.”

“I will. Be careful, Jenna.”

“You too.”

As he backed away, hating that he was leaving her but having no other choice, she spread her arms in a defiant gesture. Titus hung back in the trees, unwilling to get too far away.

“I see you, wraith. I know what you want. Come and get it.”

The creature started down the bank toward her, but Jenna was faster. She darted up and around him, plunging into the woods. She stood in the gray space between moonlight and forest depth. “Come on, you dumb, dead thing. You want me? Chase me.”

The wraith, much more solid and bigger than he had been previously, lumbered to turn and follow her. It was easy to see now what a mountain of a man he’d been as a berserker. His limbs that had once been more fog than flesh were now as thick as some of the tree trunks.

When he disappeared into the forest as well, Titus shifted into his wolf form. Thought after thought went through his head. The preparation he’d done hadn’t been enough. He should have done more. Should have called upon his entire pack. Should have filled the woods with wolves, ready to go to battle.

But Jenna wouldn’t have liked that. Nor would Ingvar. Already, his presence bothered her. And if something he did caused tonight’s effort to fail, he’d never forgive himself.

He worried Jenna might not either.

But he’d also never forgive himself if tonight left Jenna injured. Or worse. Because no matter how she tried to play it off, he sincerely believed the wraith was a real threat. It wanted her dead, after all.

Whatever happened, Titus was going to do everything in his power to keep her safe. And if Ingvar didn’t like that, he’d deal with that later.

Titus jogged through the underbrush, his ears twitching and turning to capture every sound. The site was just up ahead. He edged farther out until his stomach started to ache. Too far. He came closer, inch by inch, until the ache disappeared.

Finally, he went past the trap Ingvar had set up. He looped around and went higher to where the elevation allowed him a better view.

He’d chosen a spot on an outcropping of rock. He was hidden by the trees, but he could see perfectly.

Ingvar had scratched out a rough circle in the dirt and leaves, cutting through a few mossy patches and around trees. Something filled the circle. Salt? Silver? It reminded him of the things Alice had pulled from her shelves when she’d tested their blood.

Five of the trees within the circle had runes etched on them in red paint. At least he hoped it was paint.

Ingvar stood at the very back of the circle behind one of the largest oaks, probably where she’d be hidden from the wraith.

Jenna wasn’t quite at the circle yet. She was backing toward it, the wraith crunching through the underbrush as he followed her.

The breeze shifted, and a gust came up the face of the rock. For the half second it lasted, Titus got the scent of something bitter. Then it was gone. He chalked it up to whatever Ingvar had used on the circle.

His ears pricked up at the faint footfalls behind him. He lifted his nose into the air and inhaled, picking up familiar scents. He woofed softly in greeting.

Woofs answered him back.

Then three wolves joined him on the rock.

Birdie, Hank, and Bridget.

Maybe this kind of backup wasn’t what Ingvar wanted, but Titus didn’t care. All that mattered was Jenna.

He had to keep the woman he was going to spend the rest of his life with safe.

Jenna’s pulse raced with the thrill of the moment. Battle was battle, no matter if her opponent was flesh and blood or air and spirit. This Copyright 2016 - 2024