The Werewolf Dates The Deputy - Kristen Painter Page 0,48

your hand on a nail right before the box exploded.”

He opened his palm as if remembering. Then he shifted his gaze to Alice. “Would that be enough? A cut on my hand?”

“Did it bleed? Was it open that much?”

“Yes, but I heal fast.”

She sighed, closing her eyes briefly. “It may not have been quick enough. I’m sorry. That could definitely do it.”

He swore softly, balling his hand into a fist. The wolf shine gleamed in his eyes for a moment, then vanished as he seemed to compose himself. “So that’s it, then. You can’t remove the spell from me?”

“No,” Alice replied.

“What if it’s removed from Jenna but not me?”

“She would be free of it. You would still feel the effects for the remainder of your days.”

“All my life? You’re sure of that?”

Alice hesitated. “There is a very good chance, yes, but it’s not definite. It might fade as the years go on. But it might not.”

Jenna felt for him. He was clearly unhappy about this new development. She got it. Being temporarily stuck in this love spell was bad enough, but for a lifetime? She reached out and touched his arm to get his attention. “Hey, this is Nocturne Falls. Anything is possible. I’m sure Alice and the coven can figure out a way to free you.”

The anger had left his face, but a spark of it remained in his eyes. “And if they can’t?”

“Then they can’t. Don’t forget, the spell is supposed to become permanent for both of us when the full moon rises.” She smiled at him. “Better to be stuck in it together, right?”

“No,” he barked. “Not better. Who wants to spend a lifetime wondering if their emotions are real? Worse, knowing the person they care for only cares for them in return because they’re magic-bound to do so. What kind of way is that to live?”

Jenna’s heart ached, and instantly she understood. Did she feel for him because of the spell? Or because she genuinely cared? She had no idea.

He looked at Alice. “Is it just the love spell or the binding spell too?”

“Both,” was her quiet response.

He shook his head. “There has to be a way out of this. What do you need? How do we unlock this prison?”

Alice frowned. “Chief Merrow, the magic used on you two was death magic, I’ve figured out that much.”

He snorted. “Death magic for a love spell?”

She nodded. “It might seem ironic, but death magic is the most ironclad of them all. It’s as dangerous to cast as it is to break. Maybe more so.”

“Alice Bishop is afraid?” His eyes narrowed. “That doesn’t sound like you.”

“I’m not afraid for myself. The danger would be to you and the deputy. Breaking a death magic spell takes time and knowledge and great power. That’s why I was going to try to create a counterspell first. To buy us all some time.”

“So do that. Give us a counterspell.”

“That won’t work for you now that it’s in your blood.”

Titus went quiet for a moment, his gaze on the floor. When he lifted his head, he looked as though he’d come to peace with something. He gave Jenna a little half smile before turning to Alice. “You can still create a counterspell for Jenna?”

Alice nodded. “Yes, but that would mean—”

“I know what it means,” Titus said. “Do it.”

“No,” Jenna said. She stepped closer to him so that she could put her hands on his chest. “That’s not fair to you.”

“Keeping the spell isn’t fair to either of us. At least this way, you could be free.”

“You’re being chivalrous but also stupid. I’m not letting you do this alone.”

He put his hands over hers. They were big and warm, and the gesture touched her in a way she didn’t expect. “Jenna, you don’t want to be tied to me for the rest of your life. You don’t even like me. Let Alice and the coven do their best to free you.”

“No.” She slid her hands free of his to cup his jaw. “I like you just fine.” She liked him a lot more than fine, truth be told.

He snorted. “That’s the spell talking.”

“So what if it is? I don’t care. I’m not letting you do this alone. You think life would be hard never knowing if your emotions are real or not? If the person you love actually loves you back? How much harder would it be if you had to watch the only person you could ever love fall for someone else? Marry someone Copyright 2016 - 2024