The Werewolf Dates The Deputy - Kristen Painter Page 0,42

the evidence gathered at the attic scene? Prints? Anything like that?”

“Partial thumb and fingerprints were recovered off of a piece of the box, but they haven’t turned up any matches yet.”

“What about from Alice? Anything new there?”

“Nope. Sorry, Jenna. You’ll be the first to know, I promise.”

“Could you have a copy of the case file sent over to the firehouse? I don’t have a laptop, just my phone, so a hard copy would be great.”

“You got it. I’ll get it there within the hour.”

“That would be awesome. Thanks.”

“On it.” Birdie hung up.

Jenna put the receiver back on the cradle and stood there for a minute. She hadn’t seen Ingvar in ages. They’d been thick as thieves once but had drifted apart after their service had ended. It happened. Not because they’d made a conscious decision to stop being friends. They’d never do that.

But Jenna had moved to Nocturne Falls and taken the job with the sheriff’s department. And Ingvar had gotten an apprenticeship with a well-known seer and had disappeared into her own intense studies.

Life had happened to both of them. It would be good to reconnect and catch up. Jenna had a feeling it would be as easy between them as it always had been, which would be nice. Having someone to talk to about Titus and the spell would be great. Someone, unlike Tessa or Birdie, who could keep a calm head about the whole thing and not start making wedding plans.

“Everything all right?”

She blinked, looking at Titus. Handsome, handsome Titus. “Yep, everything’s fine. Nothing new from Birdie on the case. Well, they found some partial prints but haven’t identified them yet.”

“That’s a bummer. You seemed happy. I thought maybe there was some good news.”

How much catching up could she and Ingvar do with Titus around? He wasn’t going to want to go for a girls’ night out. “There was, but it didn’t have anything to do with the case. Just an old friend in town who stopped by the department to see me.”

“A boyfriend?”

She narrowed her eyes. “No.” Was he jealous? “A female friend. Someone I was in service with. All valkyries and berserkers have to do mandatory fieldwork for four years. A few get exempted. A few stay in longer. Some even make it their career. Ingvar and I both did an additional two, so we were in for six.”

“She’s a valkyrie, too, then?”

Jenna nodded. “And a seer. Her last two years were in seer school, actually. Once she got out, she continued her studies independently.”

His brows bent. “A seer as in she can see the future?”

“In our world, a seer is more than that. They often do healing, sometimes guide battles, do a little magic. And yes, sometimes they can see or read the future. I don’t know what she can do now. She’s been studying for years. Unless something’s changed in her life, I imagine she’s gotten really good. She probably can see the future. Maybe even influence it. Legend says the best seers can.”

His face brightened. “Hey, then can she see how we get out of this? And help us with the wraith?”

“I plan to ask her about it, but I don’t know what she’s capable of. For all I know, she’s decided to focus on herbal medicine. I should also warn you that she’s quirky. And probably not as easygoing as I am.”

He snorted. “You’re easygoing?”

“For a valkyrie, I am. Let’s just say some of us are strung a little tighter.”

“Yeah, well, you and your BFF enjoy your time together.” He hooked a thumb over his shoulder. “I’ll be elsewhere.”

“You know that’s not really possible.”

“We can be a hundred feet apart. That seems like a good plan for your reunion.” His smirk said he was only half joking. “In the meantime, there isn’t going to be any breakfast left if you don’t come back to the table soon.”

She glanced over his shoulder. The plates of food had dwindled fast. Were these firemen or locusts? She stepped around Titus to point at the guys at the table. “Hey, I will take that dozen doughnuts back if you guys don’t leave me another pancake and at least two strips of bacon.”

Titus laughed. “And here I was worried how you’d fit in.”

They went back to their seats and finished their breakfast. When it was over, Frank, Brenden, and Sam went to work on cleanup, leaving Titus and Jenna free. The other guys disappeared into different parts of the station.

Titus had his hands on his hips. Copyright 2016 - 2024