The Werewolf Dates The Deputy - Kristen Painter Page 0,32

release their already murderous natures.” She grimaced. “We hunted them down, captured them, and disposed of their black souls.”

His lip curled in disgust. “That sounds like a terrible job.”

She took another drink and put her bottle down. “Valkyries in service don’t spend their time hosting tea parties and attending fashion shows. We work amongst the dead and dying. It wasn’t the worst assignment I’ve ever had.” She dipped down until her chin was half in the water. “But yes, some jobs are worse than others.”

“How do you not have PTSD?”

She looked up through her lashes at him. “Who says I don’t?” She went back to staring at the water. “I have nightmares sometimes. But for the most part, we’re built to handle the things we see. And we generally do handle it.”

“But seeing that wraith set something off in you.”

She nodded. “Like I said, they’re dangerous. They can’t be killed because they’re already dead. Also, a blade goes right through them without doing any damage. It’s like trying to stab smoke. At least in the early stages.”

He sat up. “So how do you kill a thing that’s already dead and can’t be hurt?”

“Two ways. One, you bring along a seer who knows the right incantation to hold the wraith in place and make it solid, or you wait for it to get strong enough that it becomes solid again on its own. That method generally leaves you with a much bigger threat that you do not want to go up against.”

“Well, how long before it goes from a little threat to a great big one?”

“Not sure. It’s different with every one.”

“Why was it reaching for you? What does it want from you?”

“It’s complicated.” She was quiet a moment.

“Why? What else aren’t you telling me?”

Her silence lasted awhile longer. “Sometimes valkyries create the wraiths. It’s not intentional, but on the battlefield, things happen. Hard choices are made. Sometimes, the soul becomes a wraith before we can transport it to its final end.”

That seemed a heavy burden to bear. “Do you think this is one of those? One that’s come after you?”

Her gaze turned sharp. “What makes you say that?”

“You brought it up.” He shrugged. Was that anger in her eyes? Or fear? The latter was such an unlikely emotion from her, and yet the topic seemed to bring it out in her. Maybe that hard gleam was a mix of both. “Just seems like a possibility after what you said.”

“It’s not,” she snapped.

“Hey,” he said softly. “If it is, it’s not like you’re to blame. No one, and I mean no one, would say it’s your fault that some undead baddie has tracked you down.”

She stared off into the night. “Yeah, right.”

“Jenna. Jenna.”

She finally looked at him. “What?”

“Anyone says a word to that effect, and they will answer to me.”

The brackets around her eyes softened, but her mouth was still a hard line. “Why would you do that? It’s not your job to—never mind, I know why. The spell is messing with your head, making you pay attention to ideas you’d dismiss otherwise.”

“So it’s wrong that I’d want to be your friend in this situation? What’s so crazy about one first responder wanting to help out another first responder?”

She stopped looking at him again.

That wasn’t going to shut him up. “I like you. And that’s not the spell talking either. Sure, I think you’re all kinds of annoying at times, but so is my sister, and I’m crazy about her.”

Jenna snorted. “You just want me to kiss you again.”

“I’d be lying if I said you were wrong.”

That got her attention. “Titus, don’t.”

He let out a long sigh. “Do you ever have any fun, or is your whole life just you being hard on yourself?”

“I have fun.”

“Really? When?”

“Tonight’s run was fun.”

“When did you last have fun on your own?”

She frowned at him. “I have fun,” she said again.

He wasn’t convinced. He wasn’t done talking either. There had to be a way to break through the walls she kept up. “Wouldn’t it be easier for us to deal with this spell if we were a team and not two opponents? We’re facing the same battle. Why not join forces?”

“We’re in this together whether we like it or not.”

“Exactly. So let’s be a team.”

She gave him a hard look. “Meaning?”

“Stop treating me like the enemy, for one thing.”

She took a breath before answering. “I’ll try.”

“Gee, thanks.” He looked off toward the woods. “What is it about me that you dislike so much?”

She tipped her Copyright 2016 - 2024