The Werewolf Dates The Deputy - Kristen Painter Page 0,29

of berserkers who were actually known as wolf soldiers. She’d known a few. One in particular came to mind. She shook the memory off.

Now was not a time for gloomy thoughts. This run was to help release some tension, to get the blood flowing, and to enjoy nature. Fresh air and all that. Sure, it wasn’t four-wheeling through the mud, but it was still fun.

She’d never run through the woods at night. While following a wolf. Who was also a very sexy man with great kissing skills.

There was something kind of primal about that. Not the kissing. The wolf part. It brought out the warrior in her. Made her feel like she was preparing for battle. Even Helgrind crackled with anticipation.

Titus pulled ahead by a few yards as he picked up speed. She dug deeper and closed the gap he’d created.

A second later, she wondered if he was trying to put more space between them. She slowed a little, giving him room. They had a hundred feet after all. Why not let him have as much space as she could give?

She dropped back farther, leaping over a fallen log he’d jumped seconds ago. The gap widened.

Was there any chance the spell had worn off? She wasn’t eager to test it out here, but the thought was valid. How long could magic last against supernaturals, anyway?

They ran on, miles and time passing without regard. Jenna didn’t care where they were or what the hour was. If Titus needed this to be happy, then she needed it too. He’d be easier to be around if he was in a good mood.

Even more so if she was the one who’d helped that mood happen.

Ahead of her, Titus slowed to a trot.

Jenna adjusted her speed to match his, hearing the sound of running water. She wasn’t as familiar with the woods as he was, but she knew this area. Most locals did. They were near the falls.

Once she topped a small rise, the river was visible through the trees. She could hear the falls but not see them. They were farther up.

Titus stopped, looking back at her. He made eye contact, gave a short jerk of his head, then continued on to the bank. He went down to the edge of the water to drink.

She leaned against a tree, letting him do his thing. The tops of the trees swayed a bit, but in the thick of the forest, there wasn’t much breeze. The real heat of summer was still a couple of months off, though, and the air tonight had enough coolness to it to be utterly enjoyable.

She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. The forest smelled so clean and crisp. She could see why Titus liked this. Of course, getting to run through the woods as a wolf had to be so much better than running through it as a human.

Something rustled in the woods behind her. She turned, keeping the tree at her back, and scanned the dark for any sign of what had made the noise. There were lots of nocturnal creatures. Could be anything. A rabbit, a possum, a skunk. She really hoped it wasn’t a skunk.

She glanced back at Titus. If it was a rabbit, would he go after it? She grimaced and was about to join him at the riverbank when she heard more rustling.

Once again, she peered into the forest, trying to see what had made the sound.

This time, the shadows moved.

She stood transfixed, watching as a hulking, man-shaped form emerged from the darkness. It was as if the shadows had given birth.

The form came closer, and bright, blazing eyes blinked at her. They looked like flames in the darkness. Arms reached toward her.

She sucked in a breath and stared at the thing in shock for a second, before snapping out of it. Questions ran through her head as she moved to unsheathe her sword. What in Loki’s name was this abomination doing here? Why was it here? Was it after her?

Then the guttural snarl of a wolf broke the silence.

Titus was in front of her, the fur standing up in a ridge down his back, teeth bared, jaws snapping. Truly a formidable sight.

The shadow creature hesitated, then growled.

Titus lunged forward, and the creature vanished like smoke in a strong wind.

A second later, Titus the man stood next to her. She spoke to him while her gaze stayed fixed on the woods. “Thank you.”

“You could have handled that yourself.”

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