The Werewolf Dates The Deputy - Kristen Painter Page 0,11


“Like it wasn’t already?” Titus frowned. “I don’t like where this is going. Tell us what you know.”

Jenna nodded. “Please.”

Hank took his phone out again. “Whoever set up this little magic bomb apparently intended for the target to not only fall in love with them but be bound to them. Like you said, a very stalkerish combo.”

Jenna held out her hands. “We’re not bound to anyone.”

The corner of Hank’s mouth twitched like he was trying not to smile. “But you are. You two are not only under the influence of a love potion, but it seems you’re now bound to each other.”

Jenna sat down hard on the utilitarian love seat near the window. “Bound. To Titus. By magic?”

“Wait a second,” Titus said. “Is that even a thing? I mean, how do you know it’s working? There’s no magical force keeping us together.” Thankfully, because being bound to Jenna would be a nightmare. Planning the race with her was already testing the limits of his good nature. He couldn’t imagine having to be around her all the time.

Except that he could. In fact, he was. And the things he imagined were raising his temperature in ways that were only going to get him in trouble.

“Alice said,” Hank began, “that if you two get too far away from one another, you’ll feel the consequences.”

“Consequences?” Jenna looked at Titus with the same panicked expression he probably had on his face. “If that’s true…”

Titus nodded. “We already have.”

Jenna couldn’t fathom what she was hearing. Bound to Titus? The man who’d made her life miserable these last few months? And under some kind of love spell, to boot? She refused to accept that was possible, magic or not. Sure, he was a very attractive guy who was probably a great kisser, but—wow. What was that? She shook her head. “Nope. Don’t want that. Don’t want the love spell either.”

Hank snorted. “I don’t think it works that way.”

“I don’t care. I’m a valkyrie. I have my own magic.” She’d just use the sheer force of her willpower to negate whatever magic had been performed upon them. She looked at Titus. She was not going to let herself be influenced by…he really did have the nicest eyes.

Freya on a stick, she was in trouble. She was not falling in love with anyone. Ever again. Love meant heartache. And she’d had enough of that for a hundred lifetimes.

“Good luck with that,” Titus said. “Isn’t valkyrie magic just swords and stubbornness?”

Jenna glared at him. “Oh, suddenly man’s best friend is an expert on valkyrie magic?”

Titus glared back. “I’m a wolf, not a—”

“There’s my favorite nephew!” Birdie Caruthers strode into the room with all the calm and quiet of a category five hurricane. She wiggled her fingers at Jenna, making the hot pink fringed handbag hanging off her elbow sway. “Hiya, Jenna.”

“Hi, Mrs. Caruthers.”

Hank frowned. “Aunt Birdie, you realize I’m standing right here.”

“Settle down.” She wrinkled her nose at him. “You’re my favorite healthy nephew. Now don’t be so needy.”

“I’m not—” He sighed and shoved a hand through his hair. “I’d better get back to the station, because clearly no one else is there.”

Birdie rolled her eyes. “There’s someone there. Probably.”

“Sheriff?” Jenna stood.

He paused on his turn toward the door. “Yes?”

“Is Alice working on a way to break these spells?”

He nodded. “She is. Or rather, she will be. She has to figure out all the remaining ingredients first, but then hopefully she’ll be able to come up with something.”

“Until then, what am I supposed to do?”

Hank looked from her to Titus. “That’s up to you two. I’ll get someone to cover your shifts until you figure that out.”

Titus made a face. “I have the inspector coming in this week. I have to be at the station.”

Jenna put her hands on her hips. This was a complication she didn’t need. “And the race is coming up.”

“Like I said, figure it out.” Hank turned, lifting his hand in a wave.

Jenna huffed out a breath and sat back down, staring at the door as it closed behind him. “This is unacceptable.”

Birdie sat down beside her. “What’s that, honey?”

Jenna turned to the older woman. “This whole thing. But especially that your nephew and I are apparently bound together because we were exposed to a magic bomb.”

Birdie looked way too amused by that. “Is that right?”

Titus let out a little grunt. “You’re kind of glossing over the big one.”

“Oh?” Birdie said.

“We’re also under the influence of a love spell. Apparently.” His gaze shifted to Jenna. Copyright 2016 - 2024