We're Made of Moments - Molly McLain Page 0,133

should at least get to know each other.”

And here we go. I slow our stroll at a spot that’ll give us some privacy and take a deep breath.

“You don’t think it’s a little soon?” he asks. “All things considered?”

“I’ve been in love with her for a long time, sir.”

“I’m aware. But it’s still kinda fast. You have a boy to think about.”

I can’t argue with him about that. “I wouldn’t do anything to hurt or confuse Jett.”

“She’s been going through the motions for a long time. But taking one look at her today and even when she came down a few weeks ago… she seems happier. More content.”

“Really?” I noticed it, too, but wasn’t sure if it was just wishful thinking on my part.

“You’ll be the one she finally marries,” he says matter-of-factly, and I almost drop my cup. Chuckling, he reaches out and shakes my shoulder. “Hang on to her better than that beer, son.”

“I plan on it, sir.”

“And love the hell out of her, too.”

“Already there.”

“Then we’re good.” He dips his chin. “Now about those secret fishing spots…”


“You look so handsome, sweet pea!” I pull Jett in for a hug, which, of course, he pushes out of as quickly as possible, because Max and Joey are near.

“You’d better give me a better hug than that,” my mom says, opening her arms for him, too.

He sighs, but obliges, and Becca laughs.

“Kids. I swear, these two are going to put me in an early grave. And probably by the end of the day.” She gestures to her boys, trying to snap each other in the crotch with mini sling-shots they won from a carnival game. “Anyway, I heard you entered the pie contest. Does Janice know?”

“Yep, and we strategized, too.” I have no real ill will toward Mikayla—or that Kaminski girl, as Janice insists on calling her—but I wouldn’t mind kicking her butt, either. Just to be sure she knows I’m serious about my place in this town and about my man, too.

“Well, I’m sure you’ll both do great,” Becca says. “And don’t forget that, if you win, you have to choose your Polish prince for the last piece.”

“Wait, what?”

She nods. “The pies are cut into six pieces for judging and there’s always one slice left. Tradition is, after the winner is announced, she finds her prince in the crowd and feeds him the rest. It’s completely ridiculous, but the crowd loves it.”

Um, okay. Janice did not share that little tidbit of info, then again, she probably plans on winning.

“Anyway, I have to get some food in these boys,” Becca announces. “Do you want to meet up in an hour or so over by the games so they can play another round?”

“Sounds good!” I smile and wave to the boys as she ushers them toward the food tents.

“Mama, can we play games now?” Jett tugs at my hand.

“Actually, sweet pea, we should probably find your dad. I want to get pictures of you guys together.”

Mom grins and tips her head toward a gathering of men in costume. “He’s right over there. He’s been watching you more than he’s been talking with his friends.”

“Oh.” Heat fills my cheeks as I follow her lead and, sure enough, there he is, looking dapper as heck. “Wow.”

“Uh huh. Kinda wish your dad was Polish,” she murmurs, and I laugh as we head over.

“Little man!” Jesse hands his drink to Jinx and bends to scoop up our son. “Grammy got you all dressed up, I see.”

“I’m hot,” Jett sighs, and every man in the group mutters their agreement.

“Just a couple more hours and then we can put some shorts on, I promise.” Jesse’s attention shifts to my mom and he smiles. “Hey, Mrs. Foss. Glad to see you guys here today.”

Mom nods. “It’s been years since we’ve come up for the festival. I don’t remember it being nearly this big.”

“It grows every year, I swear.”

“Well, we’ll have to put it on our calendars for next year. Gotta help our grandson celebrate his roots, now don’t we?” She holds her arms out for Jett and props him on her hip. “Let’s go find Papa and get a snack, shall we? I hear they have the best brisket here.”

“Can I have chicken nuggets instead?” Jett asks, and Jesse chuckles as they head off.

“Did he give you any crap about the outfit?”

“A little, but your mom wasn’t having it.”

“Thanks for letting him do this.”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

He lifts a shoulder. “Because it’s hokey as fuck?”

“It’s your family, Jesse. Your

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