The Wellspring (Kaitlyn and the Highlander #12) - Diana Knightley Page 0,84

face in me and I wrapped my legs around him.

“Ye are wrigglin’ tae meet me. Ye hae been wantin’ me?”

I gasped, “God yes, you are so hot when you’re on guard duty and that… do that… more.”

“Och, the lady wants more.”

yes… more…

And he did and set me a full vibration along my everywhere and then he climbed me, lips and nibbles and bites and sucks, up my body and settled on me firm and heavy and I spread for him and he entered me and it was a lovely writhing, wrapping, warm and intense and comfortable and sexy and close. It was all bites and kisses and whispers, slow and steady, until his movements quickened and his heat rose and he brushed his cheek to mine and with a moan rose up and held onto my ass and drove into me over and over again, until he collapsed with release.

And held me as all that roaring energy slowly subsided. He calmed and our kisses became sighs and our grip became soft. Our caresses, once grabs and pulls and directions, became loving kindnesses. With a sigh I whispered, “I love you.”

His chin on my shoulder. “I ken, I love ye as well.” He nestled into my hair and kissed the edge of my throat.

I sighed happily. “You owe me a ticket.”

He chuckled. “Nae,” he kissed me on the lips. “I get tae keep them as ye dinna take them in the beginnin’. I still hae them tae use on another day.”

I laughed. “That’s a rule?”

“Aye, the tickets are tae be redeemed afore the act of it. Ye dinna ask for the tickets, so I get tae use them on another day. Tis the main rule of sex tickets.”

“It was hard to think when you had your mouth there…”

“Twas part of my plan.” He climbed off and settled into the pillows on his side of the bed. “I was on guard duty and thought, I hae seven tickets and I want tae hae m’way with m’wife. Can I hae her and still hae the tickets as well?” He grinned, “I succeeded.”

“You certainly did.” I yawned. “Wait — how many tickets did you say?”

“I believe I hae seven now.”

“Seven tickets, Master Magnus! I’m sure I only gave you two.”

“Och, I hae been in bed for a long time and the pen and paper are there beside the bed. I was lonely.”

“You made yourself sex tickets?” I laughed. “Okay, I’ll allow it.”

“Thank ye.” He kissed my hair.

“And there’s at least another hour before dawn so we can get more sleep too. Are you feeling okay?”

“I feel perfect, ye daena hae tae worry. I am strong and steady.”

“Good, and in the morning they’re going to go get Lady Mairead?”

“Aye, and then we will hae a talk between us. We must find a way tae keep Isla and Archie safe.”

Forty-seven - Hayley

Quentin, Fraoch, and I had already jumped just the day before yesterday, moving that blasted ginormous helicopter, yet here we were again, needed on an errand. Quentin was aiming for us to land the same day Magnus left, so there would be time to warn Hammond. We were going to wake up on the landing pad of Magnus’s castle, because we felt sure the castle wouldn’t have fallen on the first day. Third or fourth day, yes, first day, no.

We were counting on Hammond to meet us there. We hoped that bombs wouldn’t be falling on us, or gunfire, and we planned to tell Lady Mairead that Magnus expected her, pronto, hop to it lady — now!

I couldn’t wait to tell her Magnus expected her.

I also wasn’t really allowed to talk to her because I had proven I was not good at it.

We left from the sand dunes by the back deck. Magnus waved goodbye from the top walkway.

We stood in a circle, with Quentin holding the vessel. I pecked Fraoch a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll see you there, last one up gets to buy the other a beer.”

“Ye hae a deal, Hayley, I will see ye there.”

The storm was, as usual, brutal.

I was on a landing pad surrounded by boots. Military boots. I clamped my hands over my ears — the roar of war. Bombs exploding, all around us. It was pitch black, dark out, helicopters overhead, rotors spinning creating a gusty gale, the wind beating the hell out of us. I turned the other way and saw Quentin.

He groaned. “This again? Fuck, I thought we had at least a day before hell Copyright 2016 - 2024