The Wellspring (Kaitlyn and the Highlander #12) - Diana Knightley Page 0,82

You guys must be exhausted. I’ll run and grab some food, but first, did you see any aliens?”

Quentin said, “Nah, it was too early, but maybe that helicopter gets the whole thing started.”

Hayley said, “I should call them and ask about it, freak them out. ‘Hey, just wondering if y’all still have the unexplainable helicopter from 1950, the one with the name Hayley keyed into the paint on the side?” She grinned.

Magnus said, “What is this place?”

Fraoch said, “Tis a desert where beings from other planets like tae visit.”

Magnus’s eyes squinted. “What kind of beings? People?”

Zach said, “We don’t know, only the people with high security, who have been to Area 51 know, it’s a huge secret.”

Magnus turned his head to me. “Ye never told me of this place?”

I sighed. “That’s because I’m a skeptic and don’t believe it. No way could we have proof of aliens and no one has released it yet. We, meaning humankind, aren’t that good at secrets.”

Hayley said, “We are too ‘good at secrets’, we’ve been time jumping for years and no has noticed.”

James said, “Hayley, people notice all the time. You’ve just got friends on the island who help hide the shenanigans. Also, you have to hide things like giant crashed helicopters on the regular. It’s because of the scrutiny that we didn’t take Mags directly to the hospital. It’s only a matter of time before those secrets are all out.”

Zach said, “So you’re saying Katie is right, there are no aliens at Area 51?”

James said, “Hell no, that place is teeming with aliens. We should totally go sneak in. I’m just pointing out that we aren’t good at secrets. And hiding is impossible. With computers tracking everybody, cameras everywhere, we’d have to live in the eighteenth century to hide well enough.”

Hayley said, “I don’t know, if we needed to we could hide out at Katie’s Maine house.”

James said, “Let’s see…” He pulled out his phone and typed into it for one minute. Then turned the screen to show us. “Simple search, Kaitlyn Sheffield Campbell, Maine, and this address popped up. This yours Katie?”


“Not hiding there.”

We all kind of breathed deep for a moment.

Hayley said, “So do we think they’re coming for us?”

We all looked at Magnus. “Tis verra probable, Quentin, I ken ye hae just returned but I think we need tae return tae the—”

Quentin interrupted, “All due respect, Magnus, drop the ‘we’. I’m not jumping anywhere with you until you’re healed up. Just tell me where you want me to go.”

Magnus nodded, it was impossible to argue when he was flat on his back in bed with his face all beat to hell.

“I want ye tae return tae the kingdom the day after I left, afore the castle has fallen. I believe ye will be able tae see Lady Mairead, and ye can warn Hammond that this is coming—”

“So he can fight back and win—”

“I daena think, even with a warnin’ that he will be able tae fight. The enemy this time is too knowledgeable of the kingdom, but…” He massaged his right shoulder, grimacing from the pain. “Perhaps Hammond can prepare for the attack, so the people of the kingdom are better prepared.”

Zach said, “Is there any other time and place where you can attack him before he attacks you?”

The kids ran in, in a line, Isla in front pushing her push toy, Ben behind, playing a recorder, Archie, behind Ben, marching and yelling, ‘Hooray Da’s home!’

Magnus said, “What is this then?”

“A parade!”

Isla said, “Da has boo boos.” And then they all paraded out of the room.

Magnus watched them go then said, “He is holding Isla in the future against me. I daena ken what he has done tae Archie. He was a grotesque and brutal man and I canna fight him because he will hurt her. Tae keep him from havin’ her I will hae tae change time.”

Zach said, “Fuck.”

Magnus said, “Aye.” Then he added, “So I need ye, Colonel Quentin, to meet with Lady Mairead and ask her tae advise. Perhaps invite her here tae discuss with me directly.”

Quentin said, “If there’s trouble brewing, she’s bound to know what the hell is going on.”

“Aye, she will. ”

Magnus yawned widely, so we all left him in the room to sleep. Just outside the door, Hayley said, “He feels better.”


“So I’m going with Quentin, I just want you to know. And Fraoch.” Hayley rubbed her hands together. “How should we bring her back with us? Possibly in leg irons? Handcuffs?”

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