The Wellspring (Kaitlyn and the Highlander #12) - Diana Knightley Page 0,72

an arena battle with Magnus I…’ That is you.” He turned the paper toward me and shook it as if I could read it from eight feet away.

“Why are ye readin’ my—”

He screwed his face up and mocked me. “‘Why are ye readin’ — to help you. You need all the help you can get, there are no fewer than three armies attacking your kingdom right now. I suppose you should have read your correspondence.” He tossed that letter tae the ground and peeled off another one, pressing it too close to his face again. “…a battle for Riaghalbane is requested, as I am a cousin… I, Scot of the Hepburn family, contest your ascendency to the throne…” He turned that letter to me as well and then tossed it to the side. He pulled out a third one, reading, “‘…as dictated by the laws set forth by King Normond In the year 2167 and meant to protect our bloodline, and keep the strongest of our family in a position to hold the throne, I, Aodh Menzies, challenge Magnus I…’” He tossed that letter to the side. “Three challenges, asked very nicely, all arriving on the same day…”


“I thought you’d never ask, Magnus I. I would say it has something to do with what your bitch mother has done, when she stole my Trailblazer.” He swept the papers from the desk revealing a small book covered in green cloth with dark red details. He blew dust off the cover.

“When Lady Mairead returned the Trailblazer to me, I took the golden loopdeloo band-thing off her neck, and I specifically gave her this book to deliver to you. Did she?”


He shook his head. “That is infuriating. I will tell you why. It was meant to be a gesture of good will. It was a…” He groaned. “What a bitch, right? I mean, we can agree that she’s the worst, right? Now look, this is the gift.” He held the book up and turned it around to show every side. “It’s got gold stamping. It says The Book of War. It’s a first edition. I really wanted to get you something nice.”

He flipped open the front cover tae show the title page. “Published in 1908 written by Sun Tzu. This is the freaking Art of War, Magnus I, a gift for you, and your bitch mom didn’t give it to you.”

He opened it, facing down, and shook it violently, until a paper card drifted out and fell to the floor. “I even included a wedding invitation.” My eyes caught a seal at the top that was similar tae m’own. He plucked the card up from the carpet.

“Actually it’s an invite to my wedding and my coronation, November 24, 2419. I thought you might like to see the embossing. It cost a fortune. Perhaps you could put it in your memory scrapbook, as it’s commemorative, you know? You were not actually invited, it would be impossible for you to attend as you are not—” He winced. “Oh, I almost said too much, my apologies.”

He had his finger marking a spot in the book and turned the page tae me. “The best part was the page I put the invitation on.” My eyes swam intae focus.

24. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.

“See, I feel like if your bitch mother would have given you this book you might have been better prepared for what has befallen you.” He huffed out air. “Where did she put my Trailblazer?”

“I daena ken.”

“Now see, that is not helpful. I am trying to help you. I am a part of your family—”

My head hurt from the conversation and m’body ached. “I daena kin where the Trailblazer is and Lady Mairead winna tell me. Are ye responsible for the armies descending on the kingdom?” I coughed again.

“Yeah, Magnus I, yeah I really am. I could not help myself, I just get so angry. Your mother should know better than to make me angry.”

He chuckled and twas a brutally dark sound.

I asked, “Who is yer father?”

“We are actually, a wee bit related, very distantly. See the resemblance?” He lifted his weak chin, then giggled. “My great grandpa’s name was Normond, my grandpa’s name was Niall, my father’s name was Padraig, and I am—”

“Paddy Junior.”

He stood and threw the book across the room at a shelf of glass objects sending them crashing to the ground. Then he rounded on me. “Be an ass all you want, your mother Copyright 2016 - 2024