The Wellspring (Kaitlyn and the Highlander #12) - Diana Knightley Page 0,59


“This is true.” I pushed the covers off my bed and shook Archie awake. “Hey bud, let’s all go see the stars.”

We pulled on some coats and shoes and Archie was groggy but allowed himself to be led from the room and downstairs.

When we went out the front door, the brisk night air woke us all right up. Archie said, “Cold!”

I shivered.

Magnus said, “A gaoth means tis good tae be alive.”

Shivering, I said, “Winds also mean we should have on more layers.”

Magnus said, “Now bairn, ye be careful of the Bean Nighe, we daena want them tae ken we are awake or they will come talk tae us and they are fretfully borin’.”

We walked out across the town square and into the wide dark lawn beside it, there were few lights and the sky was dark and the stars — oh man, the stars, I gasped it was so beautiful.

Isla pointed up. “Night night.”

“Absolutely. I mean, I know we get a pretty fabulous night sky in Florida, but this is gorgeous, ringed by the mountains, it seems high, deeper. In Florida it’s spread out, but here there are layers and layers going up and up and up.”

Magnus’s eyes gleamed. “Let’s wave up at the little man.”

Archie said, “What little man?”

Magnus said, “As your ma explained tae me once, there is a little man in a ship and he is explorin’ the skies, did ye ken it, Archie? Tis a brave man tae go out explorin’ on his own.”

I said, “This is all true Archie, but you know about NASA, you know about space exploration.”

“Like the car.”

Magnus asked, “What car?”

“Tesla put a car in space.”

Magnus’s eyes blinked a couple of times, then he said, “Och, the little man is drivin’ a car. I think he should hae a better ship, but tis still a wondrous thing.”

We all laughed.

Then we quieted looking up at the stars. Little Isla’s head on her da’s shoulder. I tucked in under his arm and Archie hugged around my waist and then suddenly, Magnus— “Kaitlyn, move in front of me.”

He tugged me close, back to back, pushing Archie between us. He yelled, “Who is there? Show yerself!”

A man emerged from the shadows and another and another. My stomach fell. I clutched Magnus’s shirt and reached for Isla as he thrust her into my arms.

“Who are ye? I will call the police.”

The closest man laughed.

“There are bairn here, back away — Kaitlyn, follow me.”

“Are you King Magnus the First?”

Magnus ignored them. “Right behind me, hold on, tis okay, wee’un, hold on.” We walked in a huddle across the grass toward the hotel. My eye caught a flash on metal in Magnus’s hand. Holding on, trying to read his cues. He was on edge, focused on the men around us.

They looked to be from another time, their hair and beards overgrown, but not too far back in history, their clothes were dark, uniform. I couldn’t place them.

They hung back, but as we neared the edge of the grass they closed ranks, blocking our passage. I clutched Isla as she started to cry.

“Let the bairn go, ye daena want them—”

The men pressed close. Magnus stepped back. I patted my pants, leggings, the pocket in the front of my sweatshirt, there it was — phone. I glanced down, pushed emergency contact — Quentin. Ringing, ringing, I heard him say, “Hello?”

I whispered, “Help.”

I hung up and fumbling in my pocket, dialed Hayley.

It rang and rang. A man shoved Magnus almost knocking me over. Then three men jumped on him, pulled him away, wrestling him to the ground. I was struggling, trying to hold onto Magnus and the kids and — someone grabbed Archie, “No! No!”

Isla was clinging to me while I grasped Archie’s arms as he was pulled away, slipping through my hands. “Mammy Mammy!” He clung to my hands, “Mammy!”

“No! Please don’t, please don’t, we’ll do anything you want, please don’t.”

Magnus stopped fighting. “Nae! Leave him! I will go in peace!”

Archie was ripped from my hands, screaming, and pulled even farther away, thrown on the ground and held down with a boot—

Someone yanked Isla from my arms, “No! No!”

Men surrounded Magnus, kicking and punching, he yelled, “Let go of them!” and his cries, “Nae!” were terrible. Isla was crying — Archie was crying. My bairn pulled away in different directions, I was shoved down, held down, turned toward Magnus, all I could see was Magnus being beaten. I couldn’t close my eyes to it because I was frantic, where were they? Copyright 2016 - 2024