The Wellspring (Kaitlyn and the Highlander #12) - Diana Knightley Page 0,47

to sit on Emma’s hip; and Beaty and Ben.

Beaty said, “I am sorry I winna come.”

“It’s okay, sweetie, I can totally understand being nervous, and now that I think about it, what did you see of Scotland in your life?”

“My farm, the village.”

“Yeah, so Edinburgh and the history of Scotland don’t mean as much to you, you’d rather see your adopted country, like a true American. There’s nothing wrong with that. And we’ll make sure Quentin gets to take you sightseeing and someday soon I will take you and Hayley to Los Angeles, and show you Hollywood. How’s that sound?”

“I would like that verra much. Would I be able tae see James Cordon? Quenny and I do like tae watch his show.”

“It’s a deal, I’ll get us tickets.”

Ben and Archie hugged long and it was a little sad. I fist-bumped Ben, “I will bring Archie home in ten days, I know it seems like a long time, but it will be quick.”

Fraoch and Hayley stood waiting at the door with their own suitcases.

I asked, “You ready?”

“Hell yeah,” she said, “I can’t wait to show you Scotland.”

I said, “I’ve seen Scotland, I was there with you.”

“You disappeared the first day and I was there a full next day, so I am the official tour guide.” And we bustled out the door to the van that Quentin rented to get us all to the airport.

Twenty-nine - Kaitlyn

Fraoch and Magnus were freaking hilarious in the airport.

Hayley was all like, “What are you looking at?”

“I daena ken.” He was arched up staring at a sculpture hanging from the atrium of the airport. “Will it fall upon me?”

“Course not,” she said absentmindedly. “Now hold all my things while I go to the bathroom.” She piled him high with bags. “Don’t move. Don’t wander away.”

“I ken, I winna. Will ye wander away Archie?”


While Fraoch’s style was to stare at everything, Magnus’s was to go quiet. He stood, feet planted. His gaze down, bothered by the light and sound and stress of the crowds. Someone pushed by him just then and he had to step out of the way. Too much to see, and also worry about, his family being in the midst of it. He hadn’t been anywhere in the present without a guard in years.

I had on a small backpack, basically a diaper bag. Archie had a pull suitcase that had his own airplane-fun-activities inside. Magnus asked again, “Dost we hae the papers?”

“Yes, and we’re about to go through security.”

His eyes drifted to the long line of people snaking through the X-ray machines.

Hayley returned and we took our places into line.

Fraoch held his passport beside his face and grinned. “Daena I hae a bonnie smile, Hayley?”

“You do, it’s so bonnie with the new tooth.”

“They are goin’ tae see m’photo and say, ‘What a bonnie gentleman, he will get tae steer the ship.’”

Hayley laughed and kissed him. “Probably not ‘steering the ship,’ but they might agree that you’re a bonnie gentleman.” She straightened his collar while he looked on her adoringly.

He did look very bonnie in a dress shirt and kilt, worn with a pair of Doc Martens. His expensive watch on his wrist. He and Magnus had the size and air that caused people around us to glance and gawk, wondering, Who are they? Are they famous?

I overheard someone say about Magnus, “I think it’s a Hemsworth.”

I chuckled to myself but I was too irritated by the whole process, donuts and coffee were not the best breakfast for traveling. A headache was settling in, and I was nervous and harried juggling two Highlanders and two kids through the airport. My bestie had settled on being not bothered by anything.

Magnus held Isla while I held all our papers as we got up to the TSA official. Magnus and I had practiced, he passed Isla to me and handed his passport to the agent and stood chewing his lip while the agent looked down at the book and up at Magnus’s face, and then down again.

Magnus and Fraoch were trained: be civil, polite, this is just like going through a gate in the dark ages, except more dangerous, because it’s not brawn that you need to prove, it’s complete compliance with the rules. No strutting.

Magnus had of course said, “I daena strut,” and we all laughed.

Hayley teased him and Fraoch both, “If you don’t strut in a kilt, it will swish.”

Fraoch said, “Och, we daena want swishy kilts.”

And that was now our joke, No swishy kilts.

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