The Wellspring (Kaitlyn and the Highlander #12) - Diana Knightley Page 0,43

breathing pause so I pressed my cheek to his temple.

“Just what?”

“Just be here when I come home.”


“And remember me.”


And so that’s what we did…

Part II

Twenty-seven - Magnus

I was in m’office when Lady Mairead barged in. She never deigned tae be announced, and never liked tae knock, sayin’ twas beneath her tae ask for permission.

When she arrived I did m’best tae ignore her until I was ready. I continued my reading of a contract, slowly flipping the page tae finish reading the last paragraph, when she said, “Magnus! Ye ken I am here, we need tae talk.”

I pushed the contract tae the side. “What dost we need tae talk about?”

“Did ye feel it?” She sank intae a chair. “He is using the Trailblazer, I am sure of it.”

She rested her face on her hand and looked pensive. “We hae been with all of this uncertainty, theft and trouble for all these long months, and now this? Returning the Trailblazer was a mistake.”

“I feel it, m’skin is crawlin’. M’head aches.”

“He was afraid tae use it before, now he kens how. Ye ken I daena often admit tae making mistakes. I rarely make them, this is nae in dispute, but returning the Trailblazer was a regrettable thing tae do.”

“Ye had the gold band around yer neck—”

She shrugged. “That I dispute. I daena remember it at all.” She exhaled. “I should hae been better at beating him. I should hae killed him. When I returned the Trailblazer I said, ‘We are finished with our business relationship,’ and ye ken what he said?”

“Ye never talked of it, twas a year ago.”

She waved her hand. “That is because I dinna want tae worry ye. Sir Padraig Stuart said he would be the one tae declare when something was finished.”

“Lady Mairead, that was somethin’ tae tell me at the time it happened. Ye are not tae keep these things from me.”

She waved my words away. “I am telling ye now, ye should be glad I tell ye anything at all with yer blustering around here as if ye are the most important—”

“I am the king.”

“Except with me, Magnus. With me ye are my son, and I remind ye, the man who put me intae jail.”

I chuckled, “What is a little imprisonment between family?”

“I will tell ye things when they matter, tis my way.”

“I ken yer way, I have commanded ye tae change yer ways tae nae avail. What dost ye think he is doin’ with the Trailblazer?”

“God only kens. I am chilled through at the thought, but I hae an idea, I believe I ken where he has it hidden.”

“Ye do? Where?”

She shrugged. “I canna tell ye, but I hae decided tae retrieve it. I daena believe he is the rightful owner, why should he get tae keep it?”

“Does Hammie ken?”

“Aye, and he agrees that it needs tae be retrieved, not that it matters. He has nae say in anything I do, Magnus. I tell him I am tae do something and he is tae say, ‘yes, Your Highness.’ I winna stand for anything more.”

“Of course, I was simply wonderin’ on his thoughts.” I exhaled. “I hae all m’usual questions— what, how, when. I need tae ken so I can come for ye if necessary.”

“I will be in Los Angeles, in the year 1926. The restaurant I met him in was called The Musso and Frank. I met him there tae return it so I ken it is in Los Angeles at that time. I will follow him and take it.”

“It sounds as if ye might be loopin’ upon yerself. Tis a dangerous game.”

“What about any of this inna dangerous? Tis all dangerous! He is a mad man, I canna allow him tae keep the Trailblazer. If for nae other reasons than tis priceless, unique, and my head aches whenever it is used.”

“If I tell ye nae, I daena agree, that ye should give me the exact date and allow me tae handle it, what will ye say?”

“I will say nae. I hae the discretion tae be able tae accomplish this task. I am refined. What are ye? Ye would be like a bear, lumbering through Hollywood, drawing the wrong kind of attention tae yourself.”

I joked, “I am a king, if I canna be refined I can command it that I dinna want tae be refined and naeone can make me try.”

“Och, only a bear would say such a ridiculous thing.”

“It brings me tae another thing, I am leavin’ on the morrow, for Florida as we hae Copyright 2016 - 2024