The Wellspring (Kaitlyn and the Highlander #12) - Diana Knightley Page 0,23

know, Your Highness.”

Lady Mairead looked haughty.

“Did ye remove her name from access tae the security systems?”

Lady Mairead said, “She has nae been here in a verra long time, I daena think she means tae rule so she dinna—”

“General Hammond, I want Kaitlyn reinstated tae the security system, and her print on file by the end of the day.”

Lady Mairead said, “Magnus, daena put her name on it, daena. Twill be better if she is nae on the—”


“I canna say.”

I grabbed Lady Mairead by the arm and shoved her intae the cell.

Fifteen - Magnus

The room was similar tae the one I had been held in by Donnan. A video was playing on one full wall. A bed stood at one side of the room. There was a table with two chairs and a bathroom door. Sparsely decorated, everything was white.

I joked, “I think ye will be verra comfortable here.”

“How long do ye mean tae hold me for the crime of rescuing ye?”

“For the crime of nae rescuin’ me for a year? I might make it a day for a day. Daena ye think twould be fair?”

Colonel Quentin said, “The Trailblazer was very painful.”

“Aye, for rescuin’ me eventually, and because the Trailblazer was painful, I will take a month off yer sentence, how dost that sound?”

“I dinna raise ye tae be cruel.”

“Ye dinna raise me, but ye hae always wanted me tae be cruel. In this I hae been a disappointment tae ye.”

I sent soldiers to the hall and closed the door. “And ye are mistaken, I am nae being cruel, I am bein’ just.” I offered chairs to Hammond and Quentin, and chose tae lean against the table, forcin’ Lady Mairead tae stand.

“I ask again, where are ye going? What is yer pressin’ business?”

She sighed. “Are ye hungry? I am worried on your health, ye look verra thin. Ye could let me go and I would speak tae the staff on a meal for ye—”

“I am hungry, I haena gotten m’fill from the long year away. I hae spoken tae Madame Hayley on it, I ken that from the first day ye planned tae make us wait—”

“Twas a threat, Magnus, ye ken, ye do it all the time. Ye are threatening me as we speak and I daena take kindly tae it. I only wanted tae frighten Madame Hayley. I came tae find ye as soon as I could manage it.” She shook her head.“Why would ye take her word over mine? She is beneath ye, clamoring tae rise above her station, and doin’ it with Fraoch MacDonald! A man of nae education and—”

I shrugged. “She dinna ken he was in line tae be a king when she married him. She has nae interest in ‘clamoring’. The only woman I ken who clamors beyond her station is the one in front of me, who has been a regent of m’kingdom while pretendin’ tae be a queen.”

“Magnus, I never pretend anything.”

I turned on the intercom and asked a steward tae bring food and drinks.

Then I asked her, “Where are ye goin’, does it involve the Trailblazer?”

“Ye canna hold me here, Magnus, I have something I hae tae do—”

My voice rose, “I demand tae ken what it is. Ye are my regent. If ye are dealing on my behalf, ye are m’spokesperson. If ye hae come upon some property, tis mine. What dost ye hae tae do?”

Lady Mairead sighed. “I must return the Trailblazer. I must. This is all ye need tae ken.”

“Where are ye keepin’ it? Here in the vault?”

“Nae, tis too precious.”

“Ye hae it hidden from me?”

“It inna hidden from ye, tis hidden from everyone. It belongs tae Sir Padraig Stuart, I hae tae return it tae him.”

Quentin chuckled.

I asked him, “What is funny?”

“That’s the name of an actor, he played a captain on Star Trek and was arguably the best of—” He stopped short, noticing we were staring at him. “Not important, carry on, Boss.”

Lady Mairead said, “Magnus, this is my prerogative tae keep the details tae myself.”

“Nae, tis too dangerous, ye are losin’ control of time. How can ye protect it, if ye are unable tae keep yerself straight?”

She refused tae answer.

I watched her as I tapped my fingers on the table. She lifted her nose and looked elsewhere so I changed m’focus. “General Hammond, I am nae sure how much time has elapsed since we defeated Roderick? For me it has been well over a year, I hae many questions.”

“It has been a few weeks.”

“A few weeks without Copyright 2016 - 2024