The Wellspring (Kaitlyn and the Highlander #12) - Diana Knightley Page 0,115

love Fraoch, and he’s a brother to you — you don’t mean to fight. You just mean it as a friendly debate—”

“Aye,” said Magnus, “a friendly debate with whisky!”

We laughed.

Magnus said, “Until then, let us enjoy this, our first view of our new home, a verra braw castle by the name of Kilchurn. This, m’son and m’daughter, is my source, the place where I hae begun and now ye will find it yer home as well, protective, strong and well situated. It is built here at the base of Ben Cruachan, and the great beinn lends her wisdom tae us, because we are Campbells. Dost ye see, tis as if she floats on the water? See her strong walls? And there is the land bridge, twill be easy tae defend.”

Quentin asked, “How’s the armory?”

“We will take stock as soon as we arrive.”

“Perfect, then James and I will go for whatever we need.”

Zach said, “And me, I need a supply run for food and spices.”

The grass waved in the light spring breezes, covering the hills around the castle, the lush verdant colors butted up against the blue sky, now with tufts of white clouds racing across it.

Hayley beside me said, “Wow, this landscape is breathtaking.”

James said, “It really is unbelievable. This is where we’re going to live?”

“Aye, twill be our home. We hae strong walls and enough room for all of us.” Magnus’s horse stamped impatiently, ready to move again. “Are ye ready? Dost ye want tae see yer new… what dost ye call it Madame Hayley, tis like a shovel or a hole?”

“Your new digs?”

“Och aye! Dost ye want tae see yer new digs?”

All of us yelled, “Yes!” and “Aye!” Along with a couple of “hell yeahs!” And then Magnus turned his horse, fell into the front of the line, and he was leading us home.

The end.

Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to read this book. The world is full of entertainment and I appreciate that you chose to spend some time with Magnus and Kaitlyn. I fell in love with Magnus when I was writing him, and I hope you fell in love a little bit too.

Please leave a review. I’m now writing even more and I love the encouragement.

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I dreamed up the story one day while visiting the town where I grew up, Fernandina Beach. I had taken my four kids (aged between 5 and 16) to the beach and, after frolicking, they joined me in sifting through the sand, searching for sharks teeth.

I remember that day so clearly, my eyes swept the beach: my children, the great loves of my life, the high blue sky, calm ocean, warm sand, gorgeous shells and yes, when I sifted, a wee black triangle.

The idea flooded me. Magnus setting his leather clad foot on the shores of my hometown. And Kaitlyn meeting him there.

There are more chapters in Magnus and Kaitlyn’s story and in Fraoch and Hayley’s story as well…

Coming soon...

Mairead Begins it All

Archibald the Timeless

and the second part of the series:

The Guardian of Kilchurn

If you need help getting through the pauses before the next books, there is a FB group here: Kaitlyn and the Highlander, now at almost 5,000 fans.

Kaitlyn and the Highlander (Book 1)

Time and Space Between Us (Book 2)

Warrior of My Own (Book 3)

Begin Where We Are (Book 4)

A Missing Entanglement (now a prologue within book 5)

Entangled with You (Book 5)

Magnus and a Love Beyond Words (Book 6)

Under the Same Sky (Book 7)

Nothing But Dust (Book 8)

Again My Love (Book 9)

Our Shared Horizon (Book 10)

Son and Throne (Book 11)

The Wellspring(Book 12)

Series Order

Kaitlyn and the Highlander (Book 1)

Time and Space Between Us (Book 2)

Warrior of My Own (Book 3)

Begin Where We Are (Book 4)

Entangled with You (Book 5)

Magnus and a Love Beyond Words (Book 6)

Under the Same Sky (Book 7)

Nothing But Dust (Book 8)

Again My Love (Book 9)

Our Shared Horizon (Book 10)

Son and Throne (Book 11)

The Wellspring(Book 12)

Some thoughts and research…


Kaitlyn Maude Sheffield - born 1994

Magnus Archibald Caelhin Campbell - born 1681

Isla Peace Barbara Campbell - born October 4, 2020

Baby Archie Colin Campbell - born August 12, 2382

Lady Mairead (Campbell) Delapointe - the sister of the Earl of Breadalbane

Hayley Sherman - Kaitlyn’s best friend

Quentin Peters - Magnus’s security guard/colonel in his future army

Beaty Peters - Quentin’s wife, born in the late 1680s

Zach Greene - The chef, married to Emma

Emma Garcia - Household manager, married to Zach

Baby Ben Greene - born May 15, 2018

Sean Campbell -Magnus’s half-brother

Lizbeth Campbell - Magnus’s half-sister

Sean and Lizbeth are the children born Copyright 2016 - 2024