The Wellspring (Kaitlyn and the Highlander #12) - Diana Knightley Page 0,104

he is tae mean his word.”

“Och, she will be terrified when she arrives, ye best be ready for her wrath.”

Sixty - Kaitlyn

Lady Mairead interrupted us. She was wearing a suit, in a pale gray, luxurious looking, as if she was a politician running for queen of the world. “I am unable tae wait any longer, I feel the need tae go.”

“Where? I need to know so I can tell Magnus.”

She eyed me up and down. I was bundled in my coat, lounging on the deck chair, wearing jeans. No makeup. No bra. “I hae decided tae visit Abby, she has announced the opening of the Topside Galleries, and there will be a large party. I greatly miss the sophistication of her company.”

I glanced at Hayley and she rolled her eyes.

“Will you be taking the art with you?”

“Nae, I will leave it here, tis safely stored. I must come up with a place for it…” Her eyes drifted over to Isla playing with a train, making chugging noises. “I hope ye are able tae solve the issue. I worry about Isla, tis a cruel world she is tae earn.”

I said, “I’ll do everything in my power to fix what you did.”


She paused. “Leave me a message where ye are tae live.”

“We will.”

She stalked away.

Hayley said, “Phew, she is exhausting.”

“Yes, she is.”

“Where do you think she got those clothes?”

“I have no idea.”

We ordered French fries and had them on the side table between us. The kids ran back and forth, playing with Lego characters in one of the planter boxes on the other side of the pool deck, and rushing over to eat a French fry then run back.

A little bit later storm clouds rose over the sand dunes beyond the hotel. Emma walked up, “Someone coming?”

“Nope, Lady Mairead leaving.”

“That’s a relief. That lady is exhausting.”

Hayley said, “I just said the same thing.”

“Where’s Beaty?”

I said, “We haven’t seen her in a while, but she’s probably hanging out with Mookie since they won’t allow him in the hotel.”

She sat down on the deck chair beside me, wearing little Zoe in her sling, and moaned happily when the waiter delivered her drink. “This is the life, hotel living is the best.”

I took a sip of my glass of wine. “I can’t believe we have to wait until tomorrow to find out what happened. Ugh, why did we wait a day?”

Hayley’s eyes were closed. “You know why, in case anything happened, for a buffer. I love you. Don’t be whiny.”

“Fine. I’ll be patient.”

Emma looked up and down the deck. “It’s weird that we’re without any of the peeps from the past.”

“What?” I sat up bolt upright. “Where’s Beaty?”

“You said she was walking Mook—”

Without letting her finish, I said, “Can you watch the kids while I go look for her?” I sprang from the chair.

“Sure, I didn’t mean to worry you.”

Over my shoulder I said, “I know, I just… I want to check on her,” and I had to admit, I ran.

I found Beaty out on the beach, north of the hotel, with Mookie on the leash. She was taking photos of a seagull. “Hey Beaty, um, hi!”

“Hallo, Queen Kaitlyn.”

“I was looking everywhere for you, whatcha doing?”

“Taking a photo of the faoileán. They are beautiful, daena ye think?”

“I do, I really do.” I looked up at it then said, “I just really, really scared myself. I couldn’t find you and… glad to know you’re still, um… here.”

“Aye,” she looked at me with her eyes squinted. “Can I take a photo of ye?”

I smoothed my hair. “I don’t think I…”

“Ye look verra beautiful and I think King Magnus would like a photo of ye in this light on the day ye hae been worried on him.”

“I have been… so worried.”

“I ken.”

“Okay, um, like this?”

“Look down at the sand, such as… aye, like that.” She snapped about ten photos. “And then look out at the sea.” She took more photos.

“You know, Lady Mairead left just now.”

“I ken she would. I think she is worried about the trouble she has caused. She is goin’ tae try tae make it better.”

“You think?”

“I think.”

“I know this will sound superstitious, but do you think you could come and hang out with us? It really got me worried when you weren’t in my line of sight. You’re our only connection to the past right now and…”

“Tis a good time for Mookie tae take a nap. I will put him in his bed and come tae the back deck. I understand, but yer bairn Copyright 2016 - 2024